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This is what is happening inside of seokjin.


Seokjin is tied up in a very dark place together with his black wolf called abyss keeps on growling on the lady who ware's a red dress. But actually its a white dress that become red because of the blood that's still flow on she's wounded heart.

"Shut up you dog" growl the woman.

"Don't shout at my wolf you whore" said seokjin as he greeted his teeth. "How long are you planning to keep me here? Who the hell is that fragile boy that look like me" growl at the woman face. But the pale woman just smile.  And make the wolf sleep because its keep on barking

"He is you. My alpha. But just a obedient and submissive omega. He is so beautiful like you." Yiren hold seokjin with her bloody hands. Seokjin shake his head.

"Don't touch me, with your filthy hands Yiren" he said with a disgust.

"So I'm the filthy whore for you. I give everything I have. My body,my soul and my love. But that's not enough for you? Why are you so cold to me" said Yiren as she her blood tears flow down on her face. Seokjin just look at her with disgust.

"Tsssk! I never ask for your love, you knew that I slept with every female omega just for a night. That's all I never intended to find my mate. If I found her. I probably kill her. Because I don't need to have someone. I can live on my own. I can't trust no one except my self" Yiren was furious she slap Seokjin.

"Your really a bastard, you will never change. I promised you I will be the last omega that you use and killed" said Yiren in her shout voice.


Jinnie was crying because he can feel the pain of seokjin inside of him.

"Jinnie, please stop crying" taehyung hug the omega.

"I'm sorry alpha it's to painful. She's hurting seokjin again." Said the omega.

"You can feel seokjin hyung pain?" As hoseok.

Jinnie broke the hug and look at hoseok "yes, alpha! my creator said we bound to be one"

"What?" Shout the two.

Then The omega fainted


Yiren carry the sleeping jinnie in her arms. He came in front of seokjin

"Isn't he's beautiful. If you are born to be a omega. You will be like him, very kind. You will have many friends, you will not be a heartless demon. That you are now. But don't worry. You will be like him soon."

"Wtf are planning yiren" growl seokjin.

"You will know later" she said with a kiss.

Seokjin woke up, he inspection his self first. He notice that his hands was short, he open he hold his stomach and his abs were gone. Then he look around to see the two alpha looking shock at him.

"Jinnie, is that you?" Ask his most hated alpha. But this is different. He felt something. His heart is beating fast.

"Ma-te" he utter the words. He cover his hands as he was shock that he said it.

"Nooo" the word that make seokjin shattered. As he heard it from taehyung's lips.

So this is the start of Yiren's curse.

RED AND BLUE ~TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now