chapter 1

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Ishani p.o.v

    I come home late today, we have some problem in our company i made dad go home and solve the problem but today we also have a meeting with a mafia leader of Snake gang . It was a tiering day. At home I see Romil come running towards me as a monster is running behind him. After his parents death he is more attached to me. He was 1 year old while his parents died. Now he is 6 year and very intelligent and cute boy with his small face. 


  My mom entered the living room with a plate of food in her hand and shouting at Romil to stop and complete his food.

   He said ". I was waiting for you so we can eat together."

"Aww my sweat man want yo have dinner with me . okay let me have a shower and we will eat together" I said.

"Come soon" he said.

"Hi mom" I said to my mom.

"Hi, come fast before he sleep with empty stomach" my mom said. My mom care mich about romil as much as he care for me.

"Do you think I will let him sleep empty stomach?" I said.

"I know , go you must also be hungry I made your favourite daal makhni" my mom said.

"Okay" I said and headed upstairs. I came to my room place my office bag at his place, my watch and phone at coffe table, and went to bathroom for a quick bath.

  I came out of bathroom and see that my phone screen is on, i think i have a message. I pick up my phone and saw Seher message me that she is coming to goa next month after she get her certificate. She want yo spend some yime with her friends as they don't know when they will meat again . I quickly typed "okay tell me the date you want to come and I will book your flight ticket"

We have a private jet but seher always like to travel in aeroplane. She say that there we can make some friends .I don't believe she can be so navie,who think aeroplane are better than a private jet. As per me it better as we don't have to adjust with their schedule time.

I went downstairs and sit at my chair at my dad left side, at his right side was my mom, and romil was sitting beside me. Romil never like to eat with his hand if i would be at home he will make me feed him oan at others time he will make mom or dad feed him.


  I see Seher replied"10 of the next month " I replied"okay"

"Good evening dad"

Good evening tau ji ( dad's elder brother) Romil greeted.

"Good evening kids"my dad replied. "How was your meeting Ishani" my dad asked.

  "Amazing , he agreed to our decision" I replied serving him and Romil daal makhni.

  "Great, how was your day Romil, what new you learned today?my dad asked to Romil."I learned a new poem tauji" romil replied with a his cute smile.

" Great,And what about you Mrs.Toor ? My dad asked to my mom.

 "As always tiering running behind your favourite Romil."she said laughing.We both laughed listening it ,while romil was pouting .

  After dinner I take romil with me to make him sleep. He loves to listen a bedtime story from me.

"Good night mom,dad" I said before heading upstairs.

"Good night tauji(dad's elder brother) and taiji(dad's elder brother wife). Romil said in his sleeping tone.

"Good night" my dad and mom said in unison.

I take romil to hus room and started telling him a story about a great prince who fought for his people's life. It is not hard to make him sleep just in 5 minutes.

Hi i can assume you like my book because i can't see anyone like my book 😞😞😞

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