chapter 17

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Seher P.O.V

            I am sitting with mom, dad, di, and around one year romu and having dinner in five star restaurant.

             " Seher it's your farewell party, don't be sad enjoy your last day with us bacha." Dad said.

              "Dad why do i have to go there and that to alone" I said in sad tone, but as I didn't want to make them more said i commended " why can't I take mom and romil with me you and your favourite daughter can stay here"

             "Mu nath avti tara sathe, mane aiya mara vaar sathe reva de"(i don't want to come with you, i want to stay here with my husband) mom said and Romi side hugged di. " Aa pann mara sathe reva mange che le have jaa ekle."( Even he don't want to come with you,now go alone) dii said showing her tounge.

             "He bhagwan manej kem avu parivar maidu."(oh lord why do I have such family) i cried out.

          I wake up with tears running out of my eyes. This was the last memory I have with my whole family. I searched for my phone and get to know it's six in morning. I have to do something to calm my mind.

         I pick out my mala from side table and started chanting shiv name. After few mala i can feel my mind calming down.

           I got a message that our company is having interview starting from today till Friday. I have to prepare for it.

       I quickly got up and started my day.  I know its quite early but who cares. I fresh up and checked my wordrobe. OHH NOO!! I DON'T HAVE ANY FORMALS TO WEAR FOR TODAY'S INTERVIEW!

         Even I don't have enough money to buy new and as per dii said I don't have my cards. I quickly called dii.

          "Yes seher i know you don't have enough money and want to buy  formals for interview. I got you some formals and heels. " Di said as soon as she picked up call.

         "Good morning to you to dii, and you are the best" is she my real mother, i don't think so, then how do she knows what i want?

       "Yeah ok, And seher i am not your real mom, i just know you too correctly. And i wanted to tell you that I am even sending you a letter which has all the details you have to memories and a new phone, you should look like a middle class and not my sister so your new clothes and phone would be like any other new fresher, ok?" Dii said. I don't think its quite different to follow as even there i don't used to show my status and high profile.

        " Yeah di its alright. I want to tell y......" Ding dong. "Just a second dii" i attended door and it was a big parsal. I quickly opened it and it was my formal, letter, phone and some cash with my new bank check book and pass book.

           "Do you need anything bacha?" Di asked. " Do I ever had to ask you for anything di, i just wanted some cash and you send it for me, I love you so so much di" i said.

           "Ok bye bacha and take care." Di said and cut the call.

            I stared reading the letter di send. It says that my name can be same but I can't use my father name, my parents are no more, they just died 2 years ago. I am having student loan to pay off as my degree says I am graduated from foreign. And many more thing is written in this letter.

            It's 8:30 now I should hurry up as interview starts 9am. I quickly changed my dress in peach fancy shirt and dark grey pant. I don't like to wear skirts much. I eat some fruits, kept necessary things in my purse and went out.

            Instead of taking cab i went on walking. Ahh lets enjoy the start of the day before and after interview, because one cant enjoy interview can they?


*I know its a short chapter but i promise( pinching my throat) i will update as soon as possible, or in just two days. But i wont take a guarantee that new chapter will be short or big. Ta ta meet you soon.*

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