chapter 13

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       I am outside dad's company which he build with his hardwork. Today we have a meeting with all the board members to elect new CEO. I know i will be as i am biggest shareholder. I get inside. "Good morning ishani" jina greeted." I am sorry to hear about Mr.toor and romil sir." She said.

       "Good morning to you to jina." I said and gave her a sad smile.

        "Is all the members came for meeting" I asked her.

        "Ma'am mr. Dutta won't came as he is not feeling well" she said. Actually uncle was very close to dad so his death gave him shock and so his health is not well.

         "Ok so rest all are present si i should go, bye" i said and went to lift to go at 37 floor where confrence room is there.

       I am outside conference room I don't know what will happen inside but i won't let anyone be CEO. I have that confidence in me which is a gift by dad.

      I opened the door and can see 7 male sitting on there respected chairs. Three chair are empty mine, dad's and of dutta uncle. I made my way towards dad's chair.

      As i was about to sit Mr.Ray one of the board member said" Ishani that's CEO seat for which we are here." He said.

       I sit on that seat "Mr. Ray i know this company very well that's why i am sitting here" i said with a cold expression.
         He gave me a smirk and said" then you must know that as per our article of association no one can have his parents shares after their death. And those shares will be distributed among all the shareholder." He said.

      "I second him" this was Mr. Parth said. He is a smart man who always think about company profit but he won't even break rules.

      I give out a laugh "Ohh Mr. Ray you must have read AOA(article of association) but maybe you all don't know i was with my dad when it was written so i know each and every terms ot it. As per section 33 (c) when the holder of shares os dies his shares will be distributed among all the other" i take a pause and can see smile at ray face." Section 33 (d) says if the heir have any document which says that the transfer of shares is possible than the shares goes to his hire" now i have a smile and all the others are shock.

       "I don't believe this what if you are lying" Mr. Ray yells.

       "Mr. Ray what she is saying that can be provided as AOA of the company is which is a written document if you have any doubt you can check."Mr. Parth said. I give parth a smile.

        I take out my laptop and started it i opened a pdf "Mr. Ray this is electronic copy of AOA you can check but if you still have a doubt that i can change it you can come with me in dad's office and i will show you the original one." I said now no one can say anything.

        "Ms. Ishani can you show us the document which says that your dad's share ate in your name." Mr. Syed said. He is just like court who want each and every evidence related to company. Many times he saved our company with internal issues.

        "Of course Mr. Syed, i know you believe in documents." I take my phone and called noor my pa "Noor can you please bring the file i gave you at morning"

         In just 5 minutes noor was here. She is my pa from the time i joine the company. She is a muslim girl who is most modest and very religious. She always wear hijab on her hair. I respect her relegion and i know her prayer timings so i won't let anyone disturb her.

        "Can you please distribute it among all" i said noor. She nodded with a smile and started doing her work.

        "Its the copy of Mr. Mayur toor will you can check it " i said and sat on my chair.

          "Ms. Ishani as per this will only 35% of whole share capital which is for Board of Directors (BOD) is in your name, who is having rest of 35% ?" Mr. Syed asked.


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