chapter 18

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So guys new chapter is ready, enjoy.


          I walk inside and can see a that this place didn't change in so many years.

        "Hello, i am here for interview." I said to receptionist giving my as always bright smile. " You can go to third floor and on right side is the waiting area" she said giving me a smile.

          I think di selected her. As i walk inside, I can see around twenty people sitting there. I sit near a girl who looks like my age. There are few people here around my age but many are older.

        "Hey I am seher" i said to her and giving my hand for a handshake. "I am jiya. Nice to meet you seher" she said accepting my handshake.

         We started talked for sometime and now it was her turn. I wished her luck and went inside.

          After some 15-20 minutes she came outside and she let out a sign as now its over, and by looking at her face i don't think it went too well actually as i was noticing other candidates who came outside of interview room they all have this same expression.

            I asked jiya how it went and she is like it wasn't as i imagined, and she dropped the topic, and went on her way. Why she didn't want to discuss about it.

      After that too i keep noticing people and i wasn't comfortable with it. I texted dii " dii i think there are some issues here, can you be there with me for my interview"   she replied" seher how can i be with you for your interview baacha don't make thia type of wishes". Why she can't just understand me when I need it.

" Di i think so something is wrong with this interview all the candidates are not having normal expression after the cone out of that room" i messaged.

     She replied with an ok and then i messaged her that my interview will start in 5 min if she can manage to come in 5 min.

      As they called my name i went inside there were 3 people sitting there all were in there early 40s it guess.

         A lady sitting in middle gesture me to sit on the chair infront of them. I sit on it and greeted them.

      The man on lady's right asked" seher toor, right? " And i just replied with a yes sir. Actually it was my first interview as in foreign i didn't had to earn or even for experience i didn't tried doing a job i was a bit nervous.

      "  I am Rajesh jilka this lady is  Mrs. Swara arora and the other man is Mr. Preet rathod." He same man said who i know is rajesh sir now.

        "Can we start the interview now? " Mrs swara asked and i just nodded.

       They started asking me about my achievements in academics, my hobies, my interest, they were quite shock when the got to know i did my graduation in foreign country.

        "Then why didn't you stay there and do job there" Mr preet opened his mouth for the very first time. I replied that i just went there for studies and to settle there. After few more questions they started asking me why didn't I did any job earlier, and then they started talking about other candidates who were better than me.

     I think they did this to all the other candidates who were upset when they came outside.

    Before the can conclude the interview the someone knocked the door. We all turn around and saw that the owner of the company is standing at door with poker face. Yeah yeah di was standing at door

        She came inside and sat on chair besides me. By seeing her they all stood up.

          " Is this a way to conduct a interview? As i remember what i was though then no. " Di said. And turned towards me. Why is she staring at me as i did something wrong.

    " Ma'am can you correct what we did wrong, as i remember we didn't do anything wrong, its the same way we do interview for years?" Mrs swara spoke. I think she hates her job that she is speaking in front of di like this.

       " You should learn the basics swara that when a interviewee comes for interview the interviewer shat make them comfortable, don't stick to their weak points, and can't discuss about other candidates in front of them, am i right?" Dii said in her dangerous tone that dad used sometimes.

       " Ma'am maybe you got wrong information, it was nothing like that." Rajesh sir said.

         "Do i look like a fool to you, i heard your taking this girls interview. And yes mrs swara it was the way you took interview till last time and the candidates you are talking about is not from this time and as i remember you shouldn't tell them that they are not having experience so they don't have any chance to get the job here, but as i remember i asked for freshers even." Wow there expression is so funny they all are looking pale as their mother caught them eating chocolate at night.

       They all apologize to dii then Mr. Preet said " Miss seher this is our company's ceo" now all are looking at me. 

        "I know" and hive him a polite smile. Why did he tell me this. Before i can think of any other thing dii said" you all will call all the other candidates and tell them that thay will be having an telephone interview and they will have a better interviewer than you" I let out a small giggle and they all looked at me.

       Di turned to me " Miss seher i think that when a person with higher authority comes you should stand up and greet them" she whisper to me. ohh  thats what Mr preet meant when ge sait she is ceo, i am so dumb i should have left from the room and give them privacy. " And come to my office" she said loudly for others even to hear.

       "Noor" di called loudly and she even came inside, i didn't notice he standing at door. " Make sure the do what i said and if there are other candidates then resort them to Mr. Dutta office for interview and i will talk to him "she said and started moving outside. I was just standing there, as di saw i wasn't behind her she called me.

          She walked inside i think at uncle cabin i was following her as a small kid. She asked him about talking interview and he agreed and asked her who is with her and she told him why she is taking me in her cabin. Actually she told him that she scolded the employee in front of me so she want to talk to me.

      We left the room and dii started walking towards dad's office which is her now.


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