chapter 16

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Seher P.O.V
         Yesterday after coming back from mansion i was busy in organising my things and then i was so tired to do anything. It took me whole day to unpack. Today i am thinking to organise my room, or i can even decorate each and every room. But first I will like to watch TV for sometime.
             As soon as I switch on tv, yeah di set proper connection gor tv when i was at mansion. Where was I yen so as soon as I switch on TV today's headlines was that today MAITRI LIMITED has organised a press conference at 5. I will love to see what happens. Did I tell you today i am going to get my graduation certificate and i personal have to collect it from post office. Mostly it will be delivered to your home but as per di's instructions to my previous college they sent my certificate to post office and I will collect it.

            It's 11 so I have 6 hours to do some shopping nad get my certificate and then do some magic to this appartment to whom I will call home for some good amount of time.

             First let me check what all I have to buy. This appartment colour are perfect as if someone has painted it as per my liking. First my room, hmmmmm it need a rug, and a painting to hang behind bed. My room is not to large, it has king size bed, actually I roll all over bed in my sleep ao its understood why a single handi need this big bed, so yeh next it has quite large than normal size wardrobe in front of bed. As i was in ohia for some years i have many things to accomodate in it. On both sides of bed are side tables one of them have lamp and other have our family photo, I miss you dad and romu On left of my bed is a door which lead to bathroom and on right of my bed is full size window which has attached balcony with it. My room colour scheme is 3 different shades of blue. And when sunlight come from window it will change to yellow and some time green.

                Next is guest room, this room even have all the things needed just have to buy some decoration. It's quite same as my room just it have small wardrobe and queen size bed. It has normal window . Its side table is empty i have buy things for it.

            I think my whole appartment just need show peace and paintings. Everything is just perfect as anyone will like.  I meed to buy more things for my kitchen many things are missing.


      After five hours of shopping i am back. I got each and every thing I need. I even bought some oversized man tshirt, they are much comfortable and cheaper. I bought ten tshirt hehe. I will keep six, no no five, no no four, yeah four tshirt in guest room. I almost spent all my money i have, dii even block all my card.

        I have one hour till press conference, i should hurriedly unpack and keep everything in its place. First kitchen, then living room, then guest room and at last  my bed room.

             I still have ten minutes, wow I as so fast. I  bought some ice cream from fridge and sit on sofa and started tv.

              Mom started " Good evening every one present here i am Mrs. Matri Toor wife of late Mayur Toor. Today we all are present here to know about the new CEO of world best company MAITRI LIMITED. We know our creditors are worried about their money thats why we are here to announce that your money are safe and with the hands of most trusted one. As you all know we always give justice to all the elegible person who can be the CEO but as per some of our company policies, we chose that the CEO of MAITRI LIMITED will be ........ Ms. Ishani Toor my elder daughter. You must be thinking that she got the post as hier of our empire but you all must not be knowing that she worked as a normal employee for almost a year and proved her elegibliy for this post. Even I am honoured to have such as beautiful, intelligent,  and sexy daughter" mom ended with a wink. She was wearing a nice white colour designer saree. Before you tell any bad word about my mom, she us standing in front of large thousands of people and she hate when someone give her sympathy, so to avoid that she wore designer saree.

          Di came came near mom and asked for mike " Good evening, I am not here to give a boring speech as you know i am woman of dew words, as now you all know i am the new CEO i want to tell you everything will be same as it was when dad was with us. If you ever think what i am saying is not true you can always complain to my mumma." Everyone started laughing. This is the first time she joked on national television. Di is wearing a white colour dress. Normally she would wear suit but she have to wear dress because we loss our dad and brother few days ago. The press conference ended and i went to kitchen to make something for dinner. I should make dhokla, its quick and very tasty.

So here is a update if you all want next update let your friends even know about my book. I will try to write next chapter in two to three days(not sure about it) and yeah support me with your likes and comments.

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