chapter 6

168 6 0

Seher p.o.v

     He come back to the room with something in his hand i can't even see it properly forget about recognition.

    "If you are here to say ' I am sorry I can't have sex with you ' so no need and leave my house as soon possible"she said in angry tone.

     " Baby I went out to get a condom from my jeans, and why do you think i don't want to have sex with you. You are so beautiful, your body is so hot and sexy i am dying to come near you."he said in very calm tone.

      Ohh so he went to get the protection. How can I forgot about protection.

      Now he is in top of me and waving his hand in front of me." Are you there?" "Yeah sorry I space out."

      He didn't even give me time to remember we were having sex and push his tip in my pussy. I moan out in pain. "Baby calm down there is always pleasure after pain" he stay still and give me sometime to adjust with his dick. When I was comfortable with that he pushed his whole size inside my pussy ,he again take a pause for me and slowly start moving. 

    I feel like I am having my best movement of my life. Suddenly I am feeling urgency to use washroom.

      "Evak i want to use washroom can you please stop" i said him making puppy face. "Baby it not the what you think it's an organisms you can cum on bed" he said and i feel a release in my stomach.

     Soon he also had his organism and fell on other side of bed.


      Evak is are sleeping beside me. I am staring at him. He is so adorable while sleeping. I want to kiss his lips, my subconscious mind siad. No you will not kiss him, i said to my subconscious mind.

     "Good morning, like what you see." he said. Oh god he caught me staring him. I it's so embracing.

    "Good morning" i said shyly and make my way towards bathroom. I went inside and did my morning routine quite quickly then always. I want to see Evak.

       I came outside and see hin staring at bathroom such as he was waiting for me to talk about something.

       "I am starving. Can you please cook something for me till i take a shower." He said in a cute tone just as kid . How can i deny him. I just bod and ge went inside the bathroom.

      I decided to make pancakes as everyone in the world like it. I don't know what his like or dislike so i don't want to upset him by cooking something else.

      I am flipping the last pancake when he came to kitchen in his same night clothes.

      "What will you like to have with pancake?" I asked him when he was sitting in the table near kitchen cabinets.

       "Butter, honey and some whipped cream if you have."he said with a smile.

      "Can you pick them from kitchen and also bring suger syrup also." 

     I pick the pancake from pan and place it on plate. I take the pancake to table and place it on middle and sit on my chair.

        He cone back with all the things in his hand.he sit on the sit opposite to me. I have four chair table. 

       We completed our breakfast in complete silence he didn't even compliment my cooking. 

     "Thank you it was very tasty i like your cooking." He said while putting the table cloth back on table.

     "Your welcome" I gave him a small smile for his complement.

     We exchange the numbers and he drive back to his home.

      I am now at Bella's house to pick up my car.
     "What's your plan for today?" Bella ask me while sipping her coffe.
    "Nothing." I said.

     "How about we go for a long drive and...." She started but phone started ringing and I saw it's di so I have to  i cut her in middle. I gester her that that is important and went to balcony to receive call.

    "JSK chem cho di"(hello di how are you) i asked her.

     "Hu majama ,tu kem che"(I am fine what about you)she asked. I can say from her voice something is not right.

    "Hu pan majama, kai kam hatu"( I am also fine, do you to ask me something) i replied.

     "Actually mai tare aaj shanj ne tickets kari che India tu tyari chalu kari de"(I booked your ticket back to India for today start your packing).

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