chapter 11

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Ishani's P.O.V.

       I came out of house to check backyard. Where the hell is seher now. Think ishani think. Last time when this happen she was in her room only under her bed.

    I came to her old room. I get near bed and check under it. There are hust an old pair of socks. I think I should my room properly.

       When I entered my room my is wide awake. Oh no i am in big trouble now.

        "Ishani where were you? And why are you out of breath? Now dont tell me you we jogging. It's 3 in morning." My mom started. Thank god she haven't noticed that seher is also missing so i have to make her believe every thing is inder control. I can't be that difficult right.

       "Mom seher was hungry so we were downstairs eating something." Oh god please make her believe me please. She just nodded her head laid down again.

        I got near bed and check under it. There is not even a piece of dust here.

        I came out of my room. Oh yah she can be at kitchen eating something.

        I am at kitchen checking each and every corner of it. I still can't find her. I think i have to call boys and make them search the whole city.

       I removed my phone from my pajama pocket and call savar. Soon after third ring i cut the call. Why? Beacuse what will i tell savar that you have to search my sister whom i am hiding from whole world. No this can't happen. I will only have to search her.

       I think i should check this house properly first maybe she is at home only.

         I checked all the rooms on this floor now i am hell tired and i still have two floors to check. Oh lord shiv please help me attest give me any hint where she is.

         I still can fell dryness on my throat. I think i need to get some drinks for myself. I get to kitchen and open the fridge. I take a bottle from it and started drinking it.

         Wait a second i think today morning there were seven tubs of ice cream in fridge now there are only 5. Where two tubs gone.

        Water bottle tripped from am hand and falls down. There ate many ants  going to the guest room near kitchen. I follow the ants there.

      Now i can see they are going to the bathroom. I went near bathroom and open the door.

        I can see there are two tub of ice cream lying near bathtub and a hand coming out of bathtub. I can easily recognise it seher lying on bathtub after eat two tub of icecream.

      I go near her and see that there are dry tears on her cheeks and she is asleep in very awkward position. Her left hand is out of tub, her right hand on stomach, her left leg folded to adjust in bathtub, and right leg out of tub.

       "Seher bacha wake up, seher... Seher.." i call her. She started rubbing her eyes.

         "Lets go to my room come on"i said her.

    "Di I am not a small kid, don't behave like this to me" she said.
    "Ok dadi amma lets go to my room, i am very tired after searching for you for more than an hour"  

     We are in my room and seher is now sleeping between me and mom.  In just a minute i am in deep slumber of sleep.

     Seher's  p.o.v

      Now sleep is far away from me. I am thinking how my life changed in just 24 hours. How much I wanted to talk to dad, gow much I wanted to play with romil. My life is now colourless without them.

    "You should not trouble you sister this much seher. She us also going through too much. You have to understand her and support her not to be a obstacles in her life." Mom said. I didn't know she is awake. But what she is telling is right. I should be Ishani di back and support and help her to handle mom.

    "Ok mom i will always be support her in everything from today onwards." I said while giving her my best smile. She also give a smile and started tapping on my head to help me to sleep . Now i can't keep my eyes open.

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