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Surprise double update today

Seher p.o.v
    Today is my first day of office, i am quite nervous as i know because of me HR department had to listen and they might take it as insult and have a hard feelings for me. I don't even know if anyone there want to be my friend or not. If not i will be all alone for some months no, no, no, no, i will do something about it.

         I went to my wardrobe, selected a white satin shirt with black formal plazoo pant

        Today I take a bus to office today, actually my house is far from office, it will take so much money to travel in cab and then people will think i am too arrogant even been at low post i take cab and spend so much.

        Just opposite my building is bus stop and the bus timing is perfect for my office timing.

       Wow the view is so amazing, i just love the scenery. Soon i reach my destination. I step down the bus and started walking towards office. Its 5 minutes from bus stop.
       Now i am in front of Maitri Enterprises gate, i still remember the day of company inauguration, how dad gave a speech on its name, how he wanted to name it on us sisters name as we are the proof of their love, but then he name on my mom for his love and respect towards her.

        I went inside give a smile to guard and went to reception.
" Hello i am seher toor, new joinee here" and give her a smile.

       She observed me top to toe and then and then said" you have to go on 3 floor toward left side" she said giving me weird look.
Last time she she was all smiling and now this wierd look. What a amazing starting you have in your career seher, good job.. ( note the sarcasm)

       I went in lift and reach 3rd floor. Its a separate floor for just HR department. Like this we have separate floor for every department. As i went out and and asked a man about head's cabin. He personally dropped me outside the cabin.

     I knocked the door, a lady voice came "come in ". I went inside and it is same lady from last time. She gave me my joining letter and said i am in management department. Her face is expression less. Ok she doesn't like me.

      As i came outside the man was still there. I thanked him for his help.

      " My name is Ayan Singh and i am member of HR department". Ayan said.

       "And i am seher toor new member of company and in management department." And as soon as ge heard my name his expression changed. He just formally informed about 4 floor at which MD (management department) is there and went away.

(Guys this all don't know that seher informed Ishani about that issue but still they are rude to her as per HR head told them to do.)

      I went to 4th floor through stairs. Knocked on cabin after someone's come in went inside.

      "Hello sir my name is seher toor, the new joinee here. This is my joining letter. He just nod his head went went outside his cabin. I followed him.

         "Announcement, she is the bew joinee seher, rishabh inform her about her work here " he said this much and went outside. As much i remember management department is under Nimesh uncle then who is this man who behaves like an arrogant CEO who have whole company in his name.

     " Hi i am rishabh chada, you can call me rishi like others, our team consists of 10 people including us, this surbhi, on her left is khushi, on right mitali, on khushi right is sourab, ankush, jay, sheetal, nityam. Mitali, nityam and surbhi and i are here from 3 years rest came after us. You seat us beside khushi even she came before 7 months." Ok its nice they all looks friendly. Great now i can gave friends in company.

      I again introduction my self with my qualifications, they were shock after knowing that i am from abroad because my accent doesn't tell it.

     We started working soon it was lunch time we all went to canteen, people there were giving me wierd looks, but i dont care then mitali informed me that someone posted my interview photo on their WhatsApp group and also said that when the CEO wes lecturing the HR i as standing there like a psycho with a smile. Surely HR must have done it.

       Then we went back, continued our work and soon it is 5 so we all went to home. I was luck to catch my bus on time.

I know this chapter is small but but i wanted to give you gift for patients, so by by

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