chapter 3

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Ishani p.o.v

He stopped the car just outside the gate." What happen why you stopped the car savar?" I asked and see him nervous.
 " Mam.... Actually..umm..we are out of petrol so the car stopped." He replied.
  " Okay I can walk this much" i said and before i can open my car he run to open it.
  As i enter i see ' MITRI ENTERPRISES' my dad own company he started 15 years ago on name of my mom. He loves my mom so much they can't stay away from each other for even one day.
  "Good morning Ms.toor "my receptionist said.
 "Good morning jina, and it's ishani for you" i said.
  "You will be owner of this company so I have to call you Ms. Toor" she replied.
  "Did clients arrived" i asked.

   "No they can be here any second." She said.
   "Okay I will be waiting for them in meeting room. dad is in his office, right?" I asked to her but her expression tells me that she is not aware of it.
  "I will check myself and then go ahead for meeting. Tell Mr.gor to prepare beverage for clients" i instructed her.
 "Sure mam"  she said and i went to my dad office to meet him.
 "Savar you can wait for me in my office" i said him and he just nodded and go towards my office.
  I see that jihan my dad's security man outside his office so I am sure he is inside.
 I knock on door but no reply
So i entered and search him but dad is not here. I walk to his secret room from where he can handle his mafia world in emergency without letting any one know about his other business.
 "Hi dad everything alright?" I asked him .
 Dad turns around and see me. I can see he was nervous but now he is relax after seeing me."Ishani we have a problem in our gang.That bastard Jenish Sen is a pain in our ass. He tries to attack us today but our man Zeeha saved us. I think he is planning something big against us. I want you to go and check what happen and give me every detail about the situation" dad said.
  "But dad we have a very important meeting with Mr. Tuhin Nene today about our new project" i said trying to make him understand ghe situation here.
 "I am sure others can handle this, but no one other than you can give me the report of that situation so I can come up with a plan to tackle it" he said convenceing me.
  "Okay dad but don't forget that you have to pick up Romila today from his school with the chocolate as you promised."
  "I will Ishani now i think you should go ahead as you have to first inform the direction about you absence and hand them paper's. And then go to meet our gang ." He said.
 "Dad I want your car as my car is out of petrol today but i will let savar know that he has to fix that as soon as possible so you can use mine."
   "Okay now hurry up and good luck beta" he said greasing cheeks. He handed me his car keys.
  "Bye dad." I sand and headed out of the office.
 I went towards Mr. Dutta office and knock on door. After hearing come in i opened the door and get in.
  "Mihir uncle I have an emergency so i won't be able to attend meeting with Mr. Tuhin Nene so please can you handle it for me."i asked him.
   "Sure beta don't worry I can handle this you handle you other problem"he said assuring me.
  " Thank you so much uncle you relived my problem" i said.
  "Any time Ishani" he said .
  I headed outside his office and make my way towards the exit. I see jina's questioning face.
  " I won't be here for meeting make sure you guide Mr. Nene properly towards meeting room" i informed her. And go out.
    I sit inside dad's and and about to start the engine and my phone ring interrupted me. I see savar is calling me. I quickly pick it you.
 "Hello mam are you alright I can't find you in the office" he said.
 "Actually I have an emergency to attend. I don't want you there with me and I won't be coming back till late evening so I want you to make my car ready for my dad as soon as possible and then you are free to enjoy your day." I said and cut the call.
    I try to reach there as soon as possible. After half an hour of drive i reach our gang secret meeting place. Our gang is known by my dad's name and we have many property for the fir our illegal work.
   I headed outside the car and the security guards nodded his head yo greet me . I went inside and see there are ten most trusted man of my dad,the see me and everyone there  just nodded . They all lower their head when the see my dad until he ask them to raise. Through this small act they show how mush he have respect for my dad. He is always very attached with all the members of our gang as well as all the employees of our company.
   "Ishani that bastard Jenish tried to attack the property near suhar beach, he tried to take the secret papers from there but zeehan was there to collect some papers boss needed for next meeting with Mr. Gill." Rishabh said . He is the with my dad from last ten years. My dad us in this world from last twenty years.
   "I don't think he will sit quietly. He must be having a big plan against boss." Our another man shean said.
  "Yeah, last time he attacked aur property near 'Rikinka hall' to distract us and killed our most trusted man who give us all information" rishab said.
   "Did Jenish succeed an taking any paper out of our warehouse?" I inquired.
  "No but i think he will try it again and so you dan ask boss to add mire security there." Peter said.
  "Hmmm. I got to know that he always make two plans one after another against his enemies. I think we should prepare ourselves for his other plan" i said and they all nodded.

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