chapter 8

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Ishani P.O.V.

   I am at verge of crying but i have to be strong fo mom and seher. If i break down who will console them. But seher reaction is making me worry. I can see she us shocked. And uf i say i am not shock will ve a lie. I can't be weak i have to be strong for them for dad.

    "Seher kaik ke toh khare mara thi vaat kar kai bol aam chup nai re".( Seher say something, talk to me, say anything, just don't be quiet like this) i said to seher. Staying quiet after a big news will affect her brain i have to make her speak.

   "Di mane papa ane romil the madvu che di mane madvavo ne di please" ( i want to meet dad and romil ane last time please) seher said.

    "Ok but first listen to me. As per dad's will his all property is in my name now. And he said he want me to keep you safe and away from this world. You can't meet them directly as their daughter ok I can't risk to show you to the world when i am not fully strong. Are you understanding seher?" I said. I remember dad's will and letter his lawyer gave me after dad's death but i can't tell this to seher.

   I am sitting at hall waiting for dad and Romil to cone home so we can have dinner together. They are late today. I tried to contact dad bur his phone is not reachable. I even tried to contact dad's bodyguard and driver but they both said dad want some personal time with his son. So i think romil bodyguard will not be with them  even.
  I get a call call from dad "hello dad where are you ?"

  "Hello mam ia ma inspector akash your dad and brother meet an accident we have admitted them to star hospital we need you here as soon as possible or you dad's won't be treated as incomplete formalities"

      if i say i am shock will be a understatement. What will i do?how can i tell mom that his husband and nephew is in hospital. No I can't breakdown like this. I have to be strong. Dad is all right.

       "mom where are you come here as soon as possible,mom? " I started screaming at top of my lungs.

    "Su thayu chisu kem pade che ghar maj che baju vada na ghare nathi attlu chilave che.(what happened,why are you shouting, i am at home only not at our neighbours house that you have to screme and call me.) She replied showing her fake anger. She look so carefree who can i do this now. Oh god please help me.


     "Mom apde hospital javanu che mane hall call ayo hato eene kidhu ke papa ane romil nunek nanu hatu accident thai gayu che."(mom I got a call that dad and romil had an small accident so we have to go to hospital.) I tried to stay as calm as possible because I know i have to be strong. I can see mom is not able to digest this information. I even know she won't believe it's a small accident because last time dad even try to console her like this only when my uncle and aunty was at hospital. 

     "ishani remove the car. Lets go " she said. She is trying to be strong but i know her, in few minutes she will be a crying mess. 

    I started the car and mom came and sit in fron seat beside me. I can see the the guards heard us and started following us. She is trying to be calm physical but i can see she is fighting with her self emotionally. God knows is something ever happen to dad what will happen to mom. Oh god please keep them safe, romil is still a small kid who haven't even saw anything in this beautiful world.

   We reached star hospital and mom straight went to reception." Can you please tell me where is Mr. Toor?"mom asker the receptionist.

       "sorry mam we don't have any Mr toor "she said. How can be this possible. inspector said dad and romil is at this hospital only. 

    I went to receptionist" can you tell us where are the car accident patients." I questioned her.

       "The man is on 2 floor and the kid is on 3 floor ICU , are you there family? Aaked the receptionist.

       "I am his daughter." I replied.

      "Mam can you please fill this two forms for them both" she said handing me two form.

    I filled it out quickly and return it to her. "Are you Mrs. And Ms. Toor?" She questioned and just noode and rushed toward elevator.

      "Mom you go and be with dad I will go to be with Romil" I don't want to leave her alone but i don't have any option. She just nodded.

     She get out of elevator and i stopped at 3 floor. I came out and and i can see ICU on my right. I went there. 

   A nurse came to me "Ms. Ishani, Mr romil is in very critical condition tere are very less chance for him to live." And gone inside of ICU.

      I waited there till god knows how many hours and after that doctor came out . I went near them and stood in front of Dr. Smith Arora. "Ms ishani I am sorry to inform you that your brother is no more. He came in hospital till then he lost most of his blood. He had mnay fracture and even his kidneys were misplaced because of the accident."

    I feel like my World collapsed. My romil is no more.

Who will fight with me for 5 minutes more sleep? Who will wait foe me to eat? Who will cuddle me when i feel low? Who? Who? 

       "Doctor... can I. ..see him please... doctor please "

I request doctor. He nodded and give me space to go in.

       He is lying on bed with many bandages all over his body. If we look closely the you can see his pale face. I can't see it anymore or i will be fainted. 

    Yes, i will go down and cry on my dad laps that my baby brother is no more. 

  I took stairs to go down. I can see mom siting in waiting area outside of ICU " mom kai khabar maide"(mim did you got any news ) i asked and she just nodded her gead in no. She was in no condition to speak which is advantage for me as I don't have to inform her about romil. 

   After few minutes doctor came out and came towards us. "Ms. Ishani, Mrs. Mayur , Mr. Mayur has few minutes and he want to meet his family. His condition is bad. He can't use his hands as the accident brain and damage the nerves which operates hands" he said and went to his cabin on left. 

     We went inside and see that dad is in bandages he is trying to lift his hand but failed miserably. Many wires are connected to him i can listen the beep sound with up and down lines the the machine on dad's right which indicates his heart is working.

     "Mayur  lie down and don't try to move" my mom scolded my dad and he obliged sa obbident good boy.

      "Dad! "I said and went near him and hold his hand in mine. 

     "Ishani, maitri I love you both. Doctor ee kidhu ke mara pase vadhare time nathe atle Ishane mare thane kevu che ke 5 varas pehla me aapda company ne marea 50% share koi beja na naam par kaira hata aane enu name che.............."(doctor said me that i don't have more time thats why I want to tell this to you ishani that I have given my 50 percentage of shares to someone and his name is.......)he is able to complete his sentence before that the machine on his right shows a straight line.


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