chapter 12

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        I wake up from the sunlight coming from window. I can't see mom and di here.I sit up and take my phone from night stand. It's 6:30 where they can go this early. Then i see the day. Shit it's Monday mom and di would be preparing for shiv arti. Arti won't start before seven i have half yo get ready. At my house we all worship lord shiv so every monday we have to wake up early and do arti. My mom do fast every monday.

          I get up and went to washroom to do my business. I am taking a shower when di came to room . "Seher i kept you dress at bed you forget that you didn't bring any clothes yesterday this are mine this will fit you. I am going out if you need anything just tell me" i think you got it that I am very forgetful.

     I came out and got ready. Actually di and my body size is exactly same so we have a benefit to wear eachother clothes. We never shared our clothes before as dad is rich, my wardrobe would always be filled with clothes. if i went to my closet i will pick any clothes ,i didn't wanted di  to scold me for making her closet clumsy. But today is exception as i forget to bring clothes with me and went to shower.

              I walk down in my yellow kurti, yellow leggings and orange dupatta (scarf). Its still five minutes for seven.  I came near mom , she is wearing green saree rith black blouse, and di is wearing red kurti with black leggings and a heavy embroidery red dupatta.

          After arti we are sitting at dining table to eat breakfast just me and di mom is taking rest in her room. Di informed me that she tried to convince mom to not to keep fast today as yesterday only dad and romil died and her brain will won't be able at adapt hunger and sadness. But she didn't listen to us.

         "Seher i want to talk to you about something importance"she said.

     "Yes di i an all ears " after listening it her face changed as she made a straight face to hide her emotions. She got this habit from dad, he also will make a straight face to talk sometime important.

       "As you know dad want me to hide you from public so i have got a solution of it. You will stay at that apartment alone. Dad had a habit to test his children that they are eligible to be owner of the company or not. Before few years i also had to give this test when you were abroad to complete your studies. So I think its your turn to give this test." She take a pause to study my expression. I nodded. She continue " After few days when your result will come our company will advertise for new recruitment and you will have to apply in that recruitment as yourself and not as daughter of mayur toor. I will make sure you get the job but after that you have to work hard to show all the one in board that you are eligible CEO of the company. You can't tell anyone about our relationship and you can't even contact me." She said. I am in shock. what i will again have to stay alone but this time i can't even contact mom or di. This is not fair.

       Di get up and went toward living room. Will mom agree with it and i even don't want to leave mom and di alone. Last time i know that dad were here but this time he is not here.

       Di came back and sat on her chair. She gave me new i phone 12 pro. Wow new phone. "Seher this phone have "talkshell" app which will connect us three. You know my friend resha who is now owner of seha IT company aand she sold me this app. This app is just with you, me and mom. This app work on mobile dada or wifi but i don't have permission about any other things it connect you with its use which are we three which makes it safer for you. Your new phone have all the important numbers even mine if you ever is in big trouble you can contact me. You will meet me and mom at office. Mom also want to work at company but she will start after you." She said. Will i be able to remember all this. I have to.

       We had our breakfast which we made together talking about my days in foreign country and i went to my new house with my new phone living old phone with di. All my friends number are with me but I can't meet any of my friend which make me lonely. Di want go go office so she suggested i should also go as maids will be at home any second.

        I am in my home trying to fo anything which help me distract from thinking about dad and romil.

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