Parchment and quills pt.1➵Harry Potter

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So, this one's going to be slightly different

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So, this one's going to be slightly different. It's a series of letters between the reader and Harry. I might make more than one part, I'm not sure.

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Dear Harry,

Hello, How are you? I saw you get selected for the Tournament. How are you feeling about that? Don't worry, I know you didn't put your name in the Goblet. You are stupid, but not that much. 

 Best of luck, Mr Champion.

-love you (not)


✃- - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Anonymous,

Oh thank god, you believe me. No one else does. Only Hermione but well she's always reading and Ron doesn't even speak to me anymore. Anyways, would it kill you to tell me your name already? For all I know, you could be a 40-year-old man writing drunken letters to me. At least that's what Hermione says anyways.

Please tell me your bloody name!

-Love you (not),


✃- - - - - - - - - - -

Hey Harry,

No, I'm not going to tell you my name. I enjoy being mysterious ha. Also, who's to say you won't hate me after knowing who I am. Anyways, is Ron talking to you now? Hermione's right by the way. I am a 40-year-old man talking to you drunk and high. Just kidding. Haha. Unless...

Yeah no, I'm kidding. Snape's entered the classroom. I got to go now.

Good luck with the first task!

-love you (not)


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Dear Anonymous,

I just found out that the first task is dragons. I really don't know what to do. I'm scared and Ron isn't speaking to me and Hermione is at the library most of the time. Thanks for the support, though. It feels like you're always supporting me even if it's just through your letters.

-Love you (not),


✃- - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Harry,

Dragons!?? That's so bloody cool! WOW! Anyways, don't worry. I'm sure Ron and you will work things out soon. Don't keep saying that, it sounds like you're besotted with me or something which is just plain bleh.

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