Home is where the heart is ➵Mattheo Riddle

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So this was a request by -haroldpotterson- and oh my actual fucking gods this man is hot like look at his smirk and his face and his hair and literally everything, yeah, I could go on for days

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So this was a request by -haroldpotterson- and oh my actual fucking gods this man is hot like look at his smirk and his face and his hair and literally everything, yeah, I could go on for days.

And just a warning, I haven't read whichever book he's from so I do not know a lot about him and I hope I've characterised him right.

Also, this is kinda random but I noticed that many of my one-shots do not really use any specific pronouns for the reader so there's that I guess- I don't even know why I said that lmao anyways-


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Year One:

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Tapping your foot nervously, you waited for the sorting hat to decide what house you belonged in.

It shouldn't be taking this much time right? You were a Weasley, hence, you were a Gryffindor. So what was taking so damn long?

You exchanged a look with your twin, who had been sorted before you. Ron had the same look as you, confusion and anxiety and sensing your need for his strength, he smiled at you. You bit your lip when the hat said a few more concerning words like," Ah! I've got it," and," No wait, that's not right."

A good, long minute later, the hat yelled," Aha! SLYTHERIN IT IS!"

You got up in shock, murmurs spreading throughout the room wondering how in merlin a Weasley was in Slytherin. And you had to agree with those murmurs. How in merlin were you in Slytherin.

You walked down to the Slytherin table, seating yourself next to a few random kids your age. You peeked to the right, catching your twin's eyes. He looked... disappointed? You then turned to your favourite sibling after Ron, Fred. He smiled at you encouragingly and you found your comfort in him, smiling weakly in return.

"So, Weasel, how in hell are you in Slytherin," you heard someone call. You turned to see Malfoy looking at you with a patronising smirk," Do you think mommy and daddy will be okay with it?"

You looked down at the table at the question. The answer was- you didn't know. Would they be okay with it? This was something you never expected to happen. All your talks about the future included you being in Gryffindor with your siblings, winning the Quidditch cup together, playing pranks against the other houses... The list went on.

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