Something magical ➵George Weasley

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The bell rung as the shop's door was pushed open

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The bell rung as the shop's door was pushed open. I glanced in the direction of the door to see a redhead that brought a smile to my face. Looking away to see the next customer's purchase, I tried not to get distracted.

After the last customer of the weekend rush had left, I turned towards George who walked my way, a mischievous smile on his face. 

"And just what trick are you showing me today, George Weasley?"I asked, raising my eyebrows curiously. I knew he was a wizard, despite being non-magical or a muggle as my sister who was a witch told me.

I worked at a stationery store part-time and that's where I had first met him. He showed me a simple trick with some cards and the moment I saw the cards change color right in front of me, I knew he was a wizard. But I pretended to be awed by his tricks, which I would've been if I hadn't known that he was magical.

Ever since then, he came by the store often, with brand new tricks up his sleeve, and stayed until I left the shop for the day. I didn't even know why he would spend most of his free time with me but I was glad he did. Especially because in the past few months, I had grown somewhat attached to the redhead prankster who made me smile each time I saw him.

"Today, I'm going to go classic and do a card trick, L/n." He removed a set of cards from his pocket, shuffling them. He turned them towards me," See how all the cards are different, not one is repeated." I nodded in confirmation.

"Pick one," he said, showing me the cards.

I took one from the set, turning away from him to look at it. It was a six of spades. 

"Now put in back in the set," he asked and I obliged, putting the card back into the set quickly. He shuffled the cards skillfully, saying," Now, I'm gonna ask you to turn around and count to three." I did what he asked.

"Now, I would ask you to kindly check your pockets, Y/n."

I dug my hands in my pockets curiously, my fingers finding a card in one of them. I retrieved it from my pocket looking at the six spades on it. I looked at him in awe, trying to act at least half as surprised as I would've had I not known his secret.

He seemed satisfied by my reaction, his smirk growing as he said," And that is not all for today, L/n." He placed the whole set of cards into my hands and I looked at them, my eyes growing wide as I saw that every card had turned into a six of spades. 

I put the cards on the counter, turning back to face him and saying," That was impressive as usual."

"Why thank you," he bowed before asking," When will you be free? I thought maybe we could take a walk?" I looked at him in surprise. Well, this was something new. We'd never met outside the shop, all alone. The thought of spending time with him alone made my stomach do a cartwheel.

"Gimme a second, I'm clocking out for the day," I said, holding his eyes for a second. He nodded, turning away and turning slightly red.

A few minutes later, we were both standing outside the shop, facing each other nervously. 

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