Stuck with you ➵James Sirius Potter

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This one is pretty different from the others and also apt for the current situation I think because it's set in the muggle world

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This one is pretty different from the others and also apt for the current situation I think because it's set in the muggle world. In the covid effected muggle world at that. The reader is a muggle and yeah that's pretty much all I have to say other than enjoy!

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"Coming!" I called out loudly from the kitchen when I heard someone knock on the door. Washing my hands off quickly, I opened the door. It was a tall, bespectacled, messy-haired man that looked about my age, holding a wrapped gift box in his hands.

He looked at me, confused, and glanced behind me as though looking for someone. I cleared my throat and he looked back at me, his eyes meeting mine. "What do you want?"

"Oh- I'm one of Caroline's friends from school? My best friend actually- James Potter. Since it's her birthday, I came by to surprise her. Could you get her for me?"

I entered the flat, gesturing for him to follow. "Take a seat." He obliged, sitting on the edge of the couch, his gift still in his hands. 

He looked at me questioningly," So? Where is she?"

"You're out of luck, James Potter, she went to her parents for her birthday. Water?" He nodded and I handed him the bottle I always kept in the living room. He took two big gulps of water, before turning to look at me.

He looked surprised at the information. "Oh. I should probably get going then. Thanks for the...water." 

"Maybe I could give her the gift when she returns. She'll come back sometime next week."

He shook his head," Nah- I'll get it to her myself."

"She's in another country, you know that right?" I asked. He nodded nonchalantly. Wow, I wish I had friends that would travel overseas just to give me a birthday present.

"Well then," I started but my phone's loud ringing interrupted me. I picked it up, looking at the name of the contact - Caroline. I answered the call not noticing how James had a half confused half-alarmed look on his face as he saw the phone.

"Hey Caro, one of your old friends is her-"

She interrupted me," Turn the tv on."

I was confused but I complied, turning the tv on immediately, not noticing how James had jumped in his seat, looking at the tv with wide eyes. 

"I turned it on- what channel?"

"The news- turn the news on."

I changed the channel to set the remote down when the news came on. Reading the headlines displayed, my jaw fell open.

"I'm assuming your silence is proof that you saw the news."

"A lockdown! We can't have a lockdown- I thought this covid thing was not this serious! Oh my god- so you won't be coming back anytime soon?"

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