Hidden feelings ➵Draco Malfoy

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So, this one-shot was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

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So, this one-shot was requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva. I am so so sorry that it took so long- I feel terrible. I hope you like it. Enjoy!

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2nd year:

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It had been a few months since I'd come back to Hogwarts for my second year. When the letter first came along with a cat who turned into a Professor in front of my eyes, I thought I'd gone completely crazy. But as she explained, I understood about it. The existence of magic helped me rationalize some very weird things that happened to me as a child.

I'd been sorted into Slytherin, and it caused gasps to erupt among the students in the Great Hall because apparently muggle-borns were very rarely sorted into Slytherin. After I got to know about Hogwarts, I'd taken to reading a lot of books about it, that I'd bought from the Diagon Ally.

These books told me everything I knew about Hogwarts and I'd actually suspected that I'd be sorted into Hufflepuff but I guess the sorting hat knew best.

I tended to stick to my books mostly, trying to keep up with all the classes and wand movements that were being taught. No one from my house really made an effort to get to know me because of their pure-blood parents' beliefs. I'd befriended a few of my classmates from other houses, mostly Neville Longbottom, who was a really nice, kind-hearted boy who was often straight-up bullied by Malfoy.

Coming to Malfoy. Just the name of that bleached ferret made me scrunch up my face with distaste. He walked around as though he owned the place when in reality he was obviously a kid with daddy issues. Just the fact that he mentioned his father in almost every conversation he had, showed me that. It made me pity him sometimes. And every time I felt sorry for him, I remembered every insult he threw Neville and everyone else's way, making me forget why I was feeling sorry in the first place.

One day, I and Neville were walking from the Greenhouse after a long day of tending to the plants. We were walking the corridors of the castle when Malfoy appeared right in front of us. I groaned on the inside, he better not say anything bad about Neville or I'd be tempted to put a very creative hex that I'd learned in the library a day before.

Before he opened his mouth to say whatever load of crap he was obviously going to say, I grabbed Neville's hand, pulling him away from there. Neville looked at Malfoy gulping as Malfoy pointed a wand at Neville. Neville tightened his grip on his own wand, looking between Malfoy and his goons and me.

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