Comfort ➵ George Weasley

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"Y/n!" I heard a distant whisper

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"Y/n!" I heard a distant whisper.

I was half-awake in my flat. Sitting up slightly, I squinted to see the time on the clock. It was just 2:00 AM. I slumped back on the bed, yawning. It was probably a dream of sorts.

"Y/n!" I heard again. I finally spotted movement in the window next to my bed. Realizing who it was, I rolled my eyes.

I quietly opened the window. "It's 2 AM," I stated in a monotone voice, my eyelids half-open."

"I know, but I need your help right now." my best friend, George whispered. "It's 2 AM," I repeated, not really awake enough to understand what he was saying.

He sighed. "Please, Y/n," he brought out the puppy dog eyes. 

"Okay, okay. What do you need?" I whispered. "Just climb out first, I don't want to wake anyone up," he spoke quietly while glancing behind me at my roommates.

I climbed out and shut the window behind me softly. "So what did you-Ahh!" I yelped as he yanked me by my hands and apparated us both to Merlin-knows-where.

I opened my eyes. We were in the middle of his flat. "Forge, what's so important that you had to kidnap me here? You went all ninja and took me here before telling me."

"Oh y-yeah," he said, fidgeting.

"Yeah. And why at 2 AM?" I asked, still very tired and sleepy.

"I'm sorry about that. I know how much you love your sleep. It's just that- I- uh- I had a nightmare about- him- Fred." He took a shaky breath.

My eyes softened. I placed my arm on his shoulder and gestured him to sit on the couch. We sat on the couch, me laying my head on his shoulder.

"I know it's been two years and everyone wants me to move on but every time I look in the mirror, I see him, Y/n. I hate it. I should've saved him. I was right there. It should've been me." His eyes watered.

"No-no don't say that, George. You did everything you could, George. At least, he went doing something he loved. Laughing."

A tear fell on his cheek. I shushed him, wiping the tear away and muttering sweet nothings to calm him down. 

After a while, he asked," So, you're not mad that I woke you up at 2?"

I laughed. "Well, you could've picked a better time, but hey, anything for you." He smiled at that.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around me. We both sat there for a while, the quiet chirping of crickets outside and soft voices of us two talking being the only thing breaking the silence of the early morning.

The both of us were slowly falling asleep on each other. "I'm glad I asked you to came here at 2:00 AM," he hummed.

I gazed at his closed eyelids, "Correction, you technically kidnapped me here. But does this help with your nightmares?"

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