Sunshine ➵Remus Lupin

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This one is not romantic. It's parental. Thanks for the request FredTheGryffindork! It was interesting to write.

I know this one-shot ain't romantic but look at that face GCHVGJUJKHVBVCGHBJ

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I know this one-shot ain't romantic but look at that face GCHVGJUJKHVBVCGHBJ.

*Deep breaths* I'm alright now. Just umm a little caught up. I'll just go now-

➴ ➶➴ ➶➴ ➶➴ ➶➴ ➶

"Miss Mckinnon," Professor Lupin called, as I turned to leave the classroom with my friends.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Stay back, please. I need to have a word with you."

"Yes, professor."

After all the students had left, he started to say something before I blurted out. "You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

He took a step back, a slightly scared expression on his face. "How- how did you know?"

"Professor Snape's essay and it was a full moon each time you were absent for the classes."

"You're a bright one, Y/n. I hope you'll keep this information discrete."

"Thank you, professor. And don't worry, I will. You're the best teacher we've ever had."

"Thanks, Y/n. I needed to tell you something- When you were born, your mum and dad, they named me your godfather."

"I have a-a godfather?" I exclaimed, shocked. In my fifteen years of life, I'd lived in an orphanage. The woman in charge hated me for being different and I'd always longed for a family. Someone to call my own. I had friends who were like family but that didn't mean I didn't want an actual family. "You're my godfather?"

"Yes, Y/n. I'm sorry that I left you for all these years. I wanted to be there, I really did, but I had to go. You look so much like your parents, Y/n."

"Did you know them well?" I asked, blinking back my tears when he said the last line.

"I did. Marlene was charismatic, sassy, outgoing, a pain in the arse at times, but a wonderful friend. Even after she knew of my lycanthropy, she didn't treat me differently. Your father- he and I were what everyone called study buddies. He also knew of my problem- in fact, he dubbed it my furry little problem. They were completely different and that's why they were so good together. You remind me of them so much. They'd be so proud of you."

I smiled, a rather watery smile, but a happy one. "Thank you, Professor."

"Call me Remus, Y/n."

"Thank you, Remus." I stepped forward and hugged him, gingerly. Maybe this was my shot at family.

✃- - - - - - - - - - -

"Hi, Y/n," greeted Remus, giving me a hug.

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