Unlikely match ➵ Regulus Black

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"Mum! I said no!" I yelled.

"Y/n, you don't have a choice. You're seventeen now. The time for your betrothal has arrived. Lucky for you, we have found you a perfect husband. He's handsome, good at school, and from a wealthy family. It's the perfect match."

When they said my seventeenth birthday gift would be amazing, I didn't expect them to actually bring me a boy to marry. I thought it would be maybe a cute little puppy, or maybe a vacation to some exotic place, not a marriage proposal!

"But Mum!" 

"No buts, N/n. I'm sorry this isn't what you wanted. But, you're meeting him today."


"In about ten minutes. Now, go get ready."

I made my way to my room, not before saying a few choice words loudly along the way. My outfit was placed on the bed and huffing, I got dressed. 

Soon, I entered the sitting room, to find my parents seated along with another family. 

"There's our daughter!" exclaimed my Dad, gesturing me to join them," Come here."

Mumbling a few half-hearted greetings, I finally raised my eyes to see who it was. It was the Black family. Sirius had run away so that left- Regulus. Regulus was my soon-to-be husband. 

I took a deep breath to steady myself and took the only empty seat left- one next to Regulus. His eyes met mine and I looked away. Why was this happening to me? Why couldn't I be in control of who I love and who I wanted to be with? 

I knew that wouldn't be possible because my younger brother was what they were using as leverage to keep me in line. If I didn't follow their rules, they'd be willing to put him in danger. As annoying as I found my brother to be, I would give my life for him. Not that he'd ever know that.

I didn't pay any mind to the conversation around me until my Dad called out my name. "Y/n? Y/n!"

"Er- Yes Dad?"

"You have a conversation with Regulus here while we discuss when to have the wedding."

"Yes, Dad." My parents left behind the Blacks, but not before giving me a warning look that said 'be nice or else.'

"Erm- Y/n-" started Regulus, turning to me.

"Look Regulus- I don't have any intentions to get shackled to you or anyone else at this age. I don't like this one bit and I'm sure the same can be said for you. But, I don't have an option so-"

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