Conflicts ➵Ginny Weasley

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Requested by an anonymous reader. I hope you like it. It was definitely really fun to write.

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"Hey Ginny," you said, approaching your red-headed girlfriend of a month. Your relationship was fairly new and you were still in the giddy phase where you felt the need to be with her all the time but lately, it felt as though the sentiment was not returned.

Not that she was not spending time with you but you just felt as though she preferred hanging out with her ex, Dean Thomas more. It wouldn't have bugged you as much if you hadn't been the one to set them up in the first place. 

You had seen their relationship progress steadily, only to end on good terms later, but every time Ginny mentioned that she was going to meet up with him, you couldn't help but remember the number of times you had caught them kissing in the common room back then.

"Hmm?" She replied, breaking you away from your less than depressing thoughts.

"Um- I was thinking we could maybe hang out? Y'know like-- walk around the grounds or in the courtyard-"

She nodded affirmatively, interlacing her fingers with yours. A smile playing on your face, you stand up. Both of you walk out of the Common Room, swinging your hands between you.

Both of you being very talkative people, you started talking the moment you stepped out. You spoke about everything- how Filch gave you detention unfairly and how you'd spent the rest of the day and she spoke about her day too but you noticed with a frown that most of her experiences of the day included Dean.

You tried to ignore it, you did. But it just bugged you so damn much. Halfway through your rant about how amazing a book you read was, you noticed that she wasn't paying attention to you anymore. You glanced at her, following her eyes to find Dean Thomas who was seated with Seamus on the other end of her gaze.

Clearing your throat, you brought her attention back to you. "I need to go," you said, freeing your hand from her grip.

She just nodded, saying," Yeah okay, I need to talk to Dean anyways." 

Of course, she needs to talk to Dean, you thought bitterly, walking away.

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You paced around at the Three Broomsticks where Ginny had said she'd join you so you could have a date. You had been waiting there for almost an hour and you were tired. Not just physically from standing in the cold for an hour but emotionally too. You were tired of her not having time for you. 

It was either," Oh, I was with Dean!" or Quidditch practise where Dean happened to be a member too. Pulling the scarf closer to yourself, you blew out a puff of fog, sighing. Maybe you should just go to your dorm, eat chocolate and brood over your failing relationship for the rest of the day.

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