Not yours ➵Tom Riddle

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There were two kinds of mornings for me. One kind when I woke up late and the other when I woke up really late. This was one of the mornings I woke up really late. 

"Shit-" I cursed, tumbling out of bed, grabbing my books. I ran out of my dormitory in a hurry, fixing my yellow robes on the way. I didn't stop until I was right outside the Defence against Dark Arts classroom. Pausing to catch my breath, I slowly pushed the door open to enter silently. 

Unfortunately for me, the door creaked open, causing all of the students to look at me. 

"Ms. L/n, nice of you to finally show up," the professor said, his voice cold.

"I'm really sorry sir, it won't happen again," I said, trying to sound polite.

"You will have detention for the next whole week. 9 o'clock, every night, Ms. L/n. Don't be late next time."

"Yes professor," I said, turning to take my seat.

"Take a seat in the front, Ms. L/n."

I groaned inwardly after having scanned the first row with my eyes, the only empty seat was the one next to Tom Riddle. Not that I had a personal problem with him, it was just that he was one of those people who believed in the stupid house prejudices. Other than that, he was pretty much perfect- perfect grades, head boy, charming. Not to mention that perfect face.

I sat down beside him, cursing myself for getting the detentions after having promised myself not to. I opened my book, trying to find what page the class was on, still cursing myself, not realizing that I was cursing outwardly.

I heard a low chuckle and turned to my left to see Riddle looking at me, amusement flashing in his dark eyes. 

"What?" I asked, whispering.

"Nothing," he replied," We're on page 394." I looked at him, scanning his expression. Why exactly was he talking to me, a Hufflepuff, a house he hated on so openly? 

"Oh okay... Thanks," I said, turning my pages.

"Anything for a pretty girl," he said, winking.

I blinked. Did I just get called pretty by Tom Riddle?

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"Miss L/n," called the professor, making me turn towards her. 

"Yes, professor?"

She then proceeded to criticize my essay for a good fifteen minutes. I sighed inside, waiting for her monologue to end so I could go have dinner already. After she was finally done, I breathed a sigh of relief, almost running out of the class.

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