Kayla and flash

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Kayla's POV
Today is flash's birthday and I decided to surprise him, he hasn't told me but I remember it from last year. I hope he likes what I got him, I go into the spare room and get the bag of gifts, cards and two balloons ( a 1 balloon and a 8 balloon) I sneak back into his room thankfully he is still asleep I get back under the covers and wait for him to wake up.

Flash's POV
I wake up to see my beautiful Kayla and then I see the balloons " Kayla how did you know" I say " I remembered from last year" she says looking at me. " you shouldn't have done all this it's just a birthday " I say " no flash, it's your 18th which is why you should have told me, you deserve to be treated today after my birthday" she reply's. She gives me the bag of presents ( aftershave, clothes,shoes, candy and lots of other really nice things) " Kayla thank you so much " I say kissing her, she gives me the card ( to flash, happy birthday, I love you so much, you are my soulmate and my absolute best friend ever. Love Kayla xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) " Kayla thank you and you got the right amount, I don't know what I done to deserve you" I say. Kayla gets on top of me and says" flash you have done everything to deserve me, you took me in and you choose to love me out of every other girl". I kiss her " and before you say it you do deserve me Kayla" I say we spend the rest of the day with friends and family and i couldn't have asked for a better birthday or fiancé.

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