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[Please just play the video while reading!]

Emi faintly smiled, "Never mind."


Aizawa pushed the door before him with his elbow exposing Hizashi and Emi having some delightful small talk. He stalled about the door for a moment as his heart race of happiness while his expression dull still. 

Emi elated as her sight caugh the standing figure. As he noticed Emi staring away, Hizashi turned his gaze and saw Aizawa walking towards them. He raised his shoulder-he was expecting Aizawa to come about this time anyway. 

"You're alive," Emi uttered, smiling. 

"You're awake," Aizawa muttered as he stood beside Hizashi. 

Hizashi raised an eyebrow. What was that conversation? He stood up, patting Aizawa's shoulder, then picked his backpack from the couch. "Good thing you're here, I was just about to go," he said to Aizawa who's already sitting on the chair he sat on before. Aizawa nodded. 

Hizashi patted Emi's shoulder affectionately, "Sorry, I gotta go." Emi smirked teasingly, "Sorry? You need to go, you've been here too long I'm getting sick." Hizashi chuckled then head out the door.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. What was that conversation?

As Hizashi's out of sight, Aizawa turned his eyes back to Emi. For a while he felt awkward. What should he be saying? 

"So, how do you feel?" He asked awkwardly as he crossed his leg, facing Emi whose bed was elevated for her to sit up. Emi grinned. "Alive," she replied, "thanks to you." Aizawa raised an eyebrow and smirked as he said, "Barely, thanks to me." 

Emi squinted her eyes, irritated. "Aizawa! Don't say that!" she shouted. 

Emi smirked teasingly, "I do make a great hero didn't I? I'm pretty sure I'll make a great wife." Aizawa rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He paused, Emi did too. "Thankyou by the way," he muttered, "although I still hate what you did, you saved me." Emi stared through Aizawa's half-lidded worn out eyes, grinning, "You're always welcome-" Emi replied, "-to marry me." She laughed-not as loud as she used to due to the pain on her abdomen. Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"So..." Emi thought, "How do you feel?" she asked excitedly. "Alive," Aizawa replied short. Emi squinted her eyes, "That's my answer!" she protest. "Whatever," he replied dull.

Aizawa stood with his hands in his pockets. "Do you need anything? I'll need to go for a while," he uttered softly. Emi faintly shooked his head, Aizawa nodded. The former hero walked his way to the door.

"Aizawa?" Emi muttered-hardly audible. Aizawa turned, "Hm?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Can you...not go?" she uttered, hesitantly, staring at the blankets covering her feet. 

Aizawa walked back, sitting on the same chair he did before without replying. 

"Sorry," she muttered, "I hope you don't mind staying until Hizashi's back, I...don't like empty rooms." Aizawa nodded. "He promised he'll be back right after school ends and I promise I won't be too loud," Emi tossed a huge smile at the former hero and for some reasons he felt his cheeks burning. Aizawa smirked, "You're using too much words to explain very small things."

Emi squinted her eyes then smirked teasingly, "And you smiled more in one day than I've ever seen in life."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "It's a smirk."

Emi pouted, "Umm...nope, I'm very sure they're smiles." Aizawa rolled his eyes. "No, but whatever." 


Emi giggled as she continuously touch the needle flowing liquid nutrients through her veins of boredom. Aizawa picked her touching fingers away as he squinted his eyes, annoyed, "Don't do that." Emi sighed, "No fair!" Aizawa raised an eyebrow, questioning. "You can't just be so cute and expect me to stay quiet!" Aizawa stared at her, questioningly. She stared back as if it was some staring battle. He sighed, "Whatever, Joke."

"Aizawa," Emi called, cautiously. Aizawa raised an eyebrow as if saying, 'yes?'. "You've got bruises everywhere," she uttered, "did the villain get you too?"

Aizawa chuckled, "No, I just got into a stupid fight." Emi nodded awkwardly as she couldn't think of any kind of stupid fight Aizawa might get in to. "Good then."

"Joke," Aizawa muttered, "yes, you can call me Eraser."

Emi's eyes lit, she beamed. 

"Eraser," she murmured. She sighed, "Oh God, I forgot how much better it felt calling you that." Aizawa smiled.



I'm in such good mood today I don't know why :)

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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