423 10 11

Hours have passed but Aizawa couldn't find himself sleeping anytime soon. He sighed, staring at the ceiling, his mind picturing what happened earlier that night.

Shirakumo, he thought. He might be losing his mind. Are they trying to kill him? How did he even manage to escape the cell? It was similar to the one used for All for One, there is no way someone can escape so easily. Kurogiri? Is it his teleportation quirk? But the person he saw earlier looks exactly like Shirakumo. It's nothing like the villain in the USJ attack.

Aizawa heard the sound of the door cracking from Emi's room. He immediately turned his eyes at it, wondering if Emi's heading out or if it's just the wind. "Isn't it too early to be waking up?" Aizawa uttered as he saw the figure walking out. Her hair messy as she sleepily rubbed her eyes, Emi was slightly surprised to see Aizawa on the couch, "Eh...hey there, Eraser," she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck, "I forgot you're here."

"Why aren't you sleeping?" she asked, pulling the fridge for cold water. As the cold breeze flowed through her throat, Aizawa replied, "Just thinking."

Emi hummed, placing the bottle back in the fridge. She took some snacks before making her way to the other couch close to Aizawa's. She turned on the television and started looking for a movie to watch.

After some time, she decided to play some random action movie. "You can have it if you want to," Emi uttered, referring to the snacks, "unless you want to sleep. You can go to my room, I don't think I can sleep anymore," she grinned. Aizawa hummed, picking a snack, guess he wasn't going to sleep either. Emi slightly nodded in understanding as she eventually turned her focus to the ongoing movie.

Aizawa fell asleep after some time. War-related movie isn't close to his liking. The continuous gunshot sound like a lullaby for his ears-not in a psychotic way. Emi glanced at him with the corner of her eyes and turned a soft smile before looking back at the movie.

She gasped at a jumpscare scene then sighed hardly. Her cheeks heating up, embarrassed. Thankfully, Aizawa wasn't awake to see her idiotic face. Now that she thinks of it, it's been a while since they last met each other, she can hardly remember when was the last time. Was it the UA combined training? Maybe not.

She wondered who did that to him or if it's something personal. She wonders if it's okay for her to ask him more about it. But she decided to shake the thoughts away.


Right after the movie was finished was about 4 AM. Emi was ready to make herself some coffee when she heard a knock on the door. It's faintly even a knock, she wonders if she misheard it or the person's just hesitant about visiting so early in the morning. Either way, she decided to check it out.

Before the door was an unfamiliar-looking man, that's what she thought at first. But it only took mere seconds for her old memories to catch up. Emi's eyes widen to the view of Shirakumo standing before her. She slapped herself just in case it was a dream but her eyes never left the cloud-haired man. "No way," she muttered to herself.

The man seemed surprised himself as if he wasn't expecting to see Emi either. "Hi Emi," he uttered, grinning, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oboro," she muttered, "is that you?"

"Yeah, sorry I thought this is Shota's apartment," he said, "my bad."

The blue-haired figure was about to turn away but was stopped by Emi's grip holding his arm. "Yes?" he uttered, raising an eyebrow. "Shota's inside if you want to see him." To his surprise, Emi hugged him tightly and muttered, "God, I missed you, this must be a dream." 

Shirakumo stalled for a moment before giving in, rubbing Emi's back soothingly, "No, it's not."

It took some time for him to realize that she was crying. Shirakumo pulled Emi out of the hug to see her face, "Hey, are you crying?" he said, grinning, wiping the tears out of her cheeks. Emi throws a hard punch to his chest, causing Shirakumo to flinch in pain, it was harder than he thought. "What was that for?" he asked squinting his eyes in disbelief as he rubbed his chest. "Just to make sure this isn't your ghost."

"Of course not, dummy," he shuffled Emi's hair playfully causing the seafoam-haired woman to pout. "Anyway, you're dating Shota now? Pretty downgrade since you were with me," he teased only resulting in Emi throwing another punch at him-which he dodged. "No, I'm not!" she uttered, "even if I do, it's because of your dying ass!" The cloud-haired hero giggled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'll just look for him another time," he said, "it's his grumpy sleep hour anyway."

"You're not gonna ask why he's here?"

"Ew...and you're gonna explain to me what you both did in there? I'd rather starve to death," he joked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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