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Aizawa walked behind Hizashi like a complete amateur. Everyone in UA sure do recognize him even without his hero costume nor his legendary yellow sleeping bag. As expected, his appearance caught so much attention-something he isn't a fan of. Aizawa was wearing a casual black v-neck t-shirt paired with an ordinary black jeans and his hair partly tied. 

They walked through the now-empty hallway since the first bell rang a couple minutes ago. It took no time for them to reach class 1A. Hizashi pushed the door behind him and stepped in, Aizawa followed just a few steps behind. 

Before they get to do a formal greeting, Aizawa caught everyone's eyes lit as soon as he walked in. God, it gave him goosebumps. He tossed a faint sincere smile which surprises every single one of them-never did they ever seen Aizawa with a decent smile before. 

"MR. AIZAWA!" They greeted. Hizashi grinned as he notice how excited everyone is. 

Aizawa stalled as he stared at one of the table on the right row. Midoriya's table now filled with Hitoshi Shinso-the student he's been training for the past few months. They had an eye-contact.  Aizawa smiled, encouraging the boy. Hizashi seem to also be surprised, turns out this will be Shinso's first day as an official part of 1A. 

Glad you made it here, kid. 

"Good morning everyone," Hizashi greeted. Only now they realized he was there all along. "I see, this is a cute reunioun," he said, "but there's much more happening today." Everyone was staring at each other except for Bakugo, questioning. "What is it?" asked Bakugo. 

"We're going to have a joint training with Ketsubutsu High," Hizashi explained. "Whoah, isn't that the school where the Ms. Joke we saw in the license exam teach?" Asked Mina excitedly. "Exactly," Hizashi stated, "let's go!"

They stared at Hizashi with a questioning look. "What do you mean let's go?" asked Kaminari as he raised an eyebrow, confused. 

"What do I mean let's go? What kind of question is that? That's exactly what I mean. I mean let's go!" 

Aizawa rolled his eyes, How is he a teacher? "It's right now, I suppose they're all waiting in the P.E ground already," Aizawa uttered, replied with a long 'ooo' of understanding. Everyone stood up and together they walk to the P.E ground. Hizashi lead the way, followed by a line of students. Aizawa walked at the very end with Shinso walking beside him. 

With his hands on his pocket, Aizawa said, "You made it there, good for you."

"Yeah, I don't feel like I deserve it though," he uttered, staring at the ground as he continue walking, "it's barely because of my hard work, it's more like they're picking some random guy to fill the empty slot. I'm no compare to Midoriya. "  

Aizawa laid his hand upon Shinso's shoulder, "Of course you don't deserve it." 

Shinso stopped, he was expecting some word of encouragement. Aizawa giggled, "But out of everyone else in class 1, they chose you. It's obvious that you're the most deserving of them all. I haven't been here for a while, still I know for sure, Hitoshi." Shinso smiled as Aizawa patted his head. Just before them, stood Todoroki who looks like he's been watching for a while now giving an 'are you Mr. Aizawa's secret love child?' stare to Shinso. 

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