Chapter 1

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First fanfic ever written! Hope you enjoy! :)


It was a cold and windy night as you ran through the streets, blood boiling, heart pounding, and eyes filled with tears. 'Damn it, damn it, damn it! ' you thought. Your parents' arguing was really quite bothersome at times. Deciding they wouldn't notice, you decided to run off to your neighborhood park and take a breather.

After about 10 minutes, the park finally came into view. You stopped running and took a moment to catch your breath, then proceeded to walk up to a swing and sit.

The wind tends to mess up your (h/l), (h/c) hair so you pulled up the hood of your (favorite band) hoodie.

You began to swing lightly when... Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. You could hear the leaves crunching behind you and whipped your head back to see who it was. There was only a shadow in the distance and it was approaching you...

Preparing yourself for an encounter, your hands gripped the swing a bit tighter and you stilled on the swing. The figure lightly raised a hand in a polite wave.


It was a boy who was quite tall with neck length black hair that was spiked back, a few strands hanging loosely in his face. His pale blue-green eyes captivated you and you could feel a blush creep onto your cheeks.

He walked over and you had been crying so you turned your face, but not enough to catch his eye. The boy walked over to the swing next to you and took a seat.

"I'm Zack," the boy, Zack, said with a smile.

"I'm (y/n)," you replied.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"So what're you doing here this late?" Zack asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," you retorted.

Zack chuckled. "Hahah. Just taking a walk. How about you?" He laughed and then fell silent.

No response. Just tears.

They pricked your eyes and you dabbed at the corners with your finger, chuckling awkwardly while trying to blink them away.

"H-Hey... (y/n)..." Zack said softly.


The clinking of the swing's chain and the crunching of the leaves sounded as Zack got up and walked a bit behind you. 'Great, he probably got sick of me already..'

The leaves crunched a little more.


A pair of arms had wrapped around your waist, enveloping you in a warm embrace. Something rested on your shoulder as well. 'Is this...'

"Z-Zack..?" Your voice cracked a bit.

"Hey, come on now, (y/n) don't cry. You'll ruin that beautiful face of yours if you keep it up." You blushed again.

You both sat like this in the soothing silence before Zack spoke again.

"Better now?"

You sniffled a little before answering. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay to cry sometimes.. Wanna talk it out?" You smiled.

"Would you mind?

"Not at all!"

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