Chapter 4

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Sorry this is so long, I just had so many ideas and I didn't want this chapter to end. I never want my stories to end.


"(Y/n), you're going to Kisaragi in two days."


Your mother let out a sigh and pulled her hair back before speaking once more.

"Your father and I were discussing it and we decided that this would be the best school for you. We don't want or need you to be caught up in any more drama from the girls at your school. We looked through some schools and we took a tour of the schooltoday before you got home from school. You're going to start your first day on Wednesday. Here's your schedule."

At a loss for words, all you could do was stare. 'I'm gonna be going to school with Zack!'  You were also excited to leave all those girls. You took your schedule, trying to act slightly dissatisfied.


You walked up to your room, pulling your phone out of your back pocket as you walked up to your room. It wasn't too late to text Zack about this, right? You decided to send him a quick message. 'Knowing him, he's probably not gonna be asleep yet.'

Putting your hoodie and schedule on your desk and getting comfortable in bed, you sent a text to Zack.

'Mom just told me that apparently I'm enrolling at Kisaragi??? I start Wednesday. I got my schedule too. Mind showing me around before school? Pick me up at the park at 6:30. See you then.'


You put your phone by your side and began to drift off a bit when your phone buzzed.

'That's great! And yeah, I'll meet you at the park. We might have to be quick if you want to get a full tour of the school. I'll look forward to Wednesday then.'

"Thanks! Goodnight."


You clutched your phone to your chest and a large grin was plastered on your face.

'It's about fucking time shit started changing around here.'


Waking up the next morning feeling full of energy, a first in a long time, you got out of bed to do your regular morning routine. After finishing breakfast, you grabbed everything and were practically skipping out the door, happy that this was your last day at Byakudan Senior High.

You walked to the bus stop, doing the same thing you always did every morning, untangling your earbuds. This time, however, when the bus arrived, you greeted the bus driver with a smile. You sat down in your seat, ignoring every comment spat your way like it was nothing. At this point, it really wasn't.

The girls in front of you sneered at you and you simply smiled and waved. They looked at each other, confused as to why you were so happy. However, you wouldn't tell them, for it would ruin what you had in store for them later.


It was the stop before yours and you decided to make your move. You tapped one of the girls on the shoulder and she turned around, wiping her shoulder off.


"Well, it's my last day and I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh my god, you're finally leaving?! One less portion of human scum to deal with!"

You could see the bus nearing your stop and knew this was the time to strike. You took your phone out to record it all. You got up and slapped her across the face. She sat there, completely dumbfounded and held her cheek.

You Don't Have To Smile Perfectly (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now