God damn it, Admin!

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I really need to get writing (⇀↼) (⇀↼)

Another fucking author's note. >:T

So. I decided, and if you guys haven't already noticed... I deleted Kazuki. It just wasn't my normal quality of work, and I didn't wanna just throw something out there that wasn't my best work. So I'm gonna try again! This time, no stupid plans! XD

I work better without plans :3

But yeah. Sorry for any of you guys who may have liked it, and I hope you're happy (that sounds angry and sarcastic but I'm not being like that XD), for the people who didn't like it. I'll try to get a new chapter up in time, but I don't know when exactly that would be, since apparently I need to finish all of my summer homework this week, and that's not even possible, seeing as how I have to read (blegh) To Kill a Mockingbird.

I also have to finish volume 4 of my Loveless manga in 11 days (I have time XDD)

I'm kinda busy, but if and when I can, I'll try to write some stuff. ^•^ I'm also working on a Sora x Reader right now, so that's been a part of why I haven't been posting chapters lately. Oops. I don't think I'm gonna post it until I finish this one, though, since I don't wanna have to manage two fanfics. Not that I don't love you guys and I don't love writing, it's just that I am quite busy at the moment and will be for quite a while, and I only wanna have to worry about updating one book, not two.

So... Yeah. I also deleted the About Me! because it was stupid XD

(If you didn't get to read Kazuki, skip the next paragraph because you won't get it XD)

I'm horrible. I feel really bad about not updating, and the plan that I wrote out on the fly was for Kazuki to seem like more than just friends to Zack, and then Reader-chan explaining that you were just friends. He accepted this, as you read, but then in the next chapter, Kazuki would lean in to kiss you with Zack watching, and he'd call you over to the park later to talk. Then you'd try and reassure him, and he would say no this time, and question your relationship. You would ask him if you were breaking up, and Zack would say "I don't think I can do this anymore.." and that's where the chapter would end. However, after writing it out, I realized it became a #LemonDelay (TheShadowTraveler XDD) and breaking you guys up would only make it more difficult for me to work from there.

That's that. Sorry for all these delays and all the slow updating guys! Hopefully I'll have something up soon. I'll try my best.

I love you guys, and thank you all so much for reading!


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