Author's Note II!

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So I looked at my fanfic yesterday and... It hit 1K reads! :D
That's 1K more than I expected! XD
But yeah.. Thanks to all of my readers, and followers for staying with me! (∩_∩) Chapter 11 is under construction :3 and I'm kinda debating how to arrange things still, but I have a general idea of current and future plots. I'll just have to develop it now, and think about the rest as I go .3.

I left you guys on a cliffhanger, didn't I? Hehe >:3

I have summer homework, so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to update often anymore, but I'll try.

Thanks so much for reading, and thank you all for your support ^^
I love you all  (´・ω・')

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