Chapter 5

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Sorry this took so long! Writer's block had me.


It was finally the day you had awaited for so long... Saturday. You were planning on sleeping all day, as most people would like to do, but was awoken by the light vibration of your phone on your dresser.

'You have got to be kidding me. For fuck's sake, it's Saturday!'

Despite your thoughts, you got up to see who would be calling so early. Early being noon.


You blushed a little when his name popped up, then thought:

'Nope. I wanna sleep right now. Sorry :p'

You decided against answering the phone and instead went back to bed, wrapping yourself in your warm blankets and drifting back to sleep.


You woke back up at about 3, opening your eyes and squinting, your curtains had been drawn and you threw your blanket over your head, wanting to block out the sun. Finally getting up, you closed them and sat down on your bed, rubbing your eyes. You walked to your dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top, then went to grab your towel and take a shower.


After washing your breakfast dishes, you walked out the door, having just planned to go watch a movie with a friend. You got a message from her. She was going to be a little late. You told her not to worry and that you would wait.

You took a shortcut through an alley; not your best idea, but whatever. You could see the plaza and you walked a little quicker, your surroundings making you nervous. Suddenly someone approached you.



You jumped and turned around to the source of the sound. It was a man, quite a bit taller than you, who smelled strongly of alcohol and was grinning down at you.

"Can I buy you a drink? There's a bar at the end of this alley." His words were slurred.

You were starting to get a little worried. "N-No thanks, I don't drink."

His grin only got bigger.

"Come on, there's always a first time for everything." He raised his eyebrows suggestively at you.

"I'm okay. I'm also late to a meeting with a friend," you lied. "I have to go."

You began to walk away when he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and held you close to him with a firm grip. He clicked his tongue.

"Mm-mm. Just come with me.. Hnn.. It'll be fun."

You tried pulling away. "N-No thank you, sir, now could you please just let me go?" His hand trailed down your waist as he snickered.

You had opened your mouth to scream but he pulled out a knife.

"Scream and I'll slit your throat bitch."

You gasped. 'Nice idea going through the alleyway, dumbass.'

One thought ran through your head before your next move. 'Doesn't matter if I die.'

He had you behind a trash can and was beginning to tug on the hem of your shirt. Thankfully, he had put the knife down and just close enough so you could reach it without him noticing.

You Don't Have To Smile Perfectly (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now