Chapter 7

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Monday. Ugh. That meant getting up. Which required work.

You lazily rose from your bed and picked out some random clothes, a black shirt and jeans, and stumbled into the bathroom.

Upon exiting the bathroom, you made your way to the kitchen table and made a bowl of cereal. It was the same as always. You washed your dishes and headed out the door.

Zack waited at the park as always and you both held hands on the way, as always.

Scrolling through your phone, you found out that there was a small festival relatively close by. Both of you decided that it was a good way to spend an evening. This day wasn't very  different. Not yet, at least.


Second period was finally over. All the classes you didn't have with Zack felt like the longest. You smiled lightly as you gathered your things and walked to your locker, putting away previous materials and getting ones you need for third.

You walked into third, seeing Zack leaned against a table, talking to his friends, like always. As you placed your things on your desk, a girl approached Zack. You watched intently. She shot a glare at you before she did what she had come to do.

She kissed Zack.

It broke your heart.

However, what comforted you a bit was the fact that as soon as her lips made contact with his, he pushed her away.

"What the hell?"

She just laughed. "Oh come on. We've been dating for three months now, why get so uncomfortable?"

'Three... Months..? But that's how long I've been.. Dating Zack...'  (Lmao yeah time skip)

"We have not  been dating at all this year! I broke up with you last year! Get over it!" He was getting a bit worried and shot you a glance that said 'You know this is a lie. Come on.'

She was just having so much fun, wasn't she?

You walked out. You would talk to him later, but at the moment, you had to process everything. There was a hill not too far away from the school and you used it as your thinking spot.

Zack noticed you walk out and ran after you. But before he could go, the girl grabbed his wrist.

"Hmph. Time that bitch got what she deserved."

Zack ripped his wrist from her grasp. "(Y/n) didn't do anything  to you! You're just jealous."

She stood there, shocked, as Zack ran after you. He looked out and saw your head peeking above the hill.


You turned around to see Zack coming up the hill.

"Go away. I don't wanna talk to you."

You sniffled and turned away, just as you had the day you first met.

Zack wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, just as he had the day you first met.

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