Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry for not having updated in so long! Writer's block still has me, but I felt like you guys deserved an update. It's a bit rushed, but I hope you guys still like it! :') This one's long. If they're long, should I separate them into parts?


Yesterday was the day of the 'incident'. You didn't want to do anything, but those were yesterday's plans, so you knew you'd probably do something.

Picking up your phone, you checked it for any notifications.

1 Message
From: Zack

It was your boyfriend.

..Just the sound of it made your heart flutter and your cheeks heat up. You weren't, well... lonely anymore.

"Hey, are you busy today? I was thinking we could maybe go downtown and do stuff :)"

You smiled like an idiot at your phone. 'Is this... a date?'

You picked out a gray blouse, black jeans, and gray converse to wear before heading into the bathroom for your morning routine. You would reply after getting out of the shower.


Upon returning to your bed, you replied to Zack.

"Hey, I'm not busy today. Downtown sounds fun, is this like a... date?"

You thought a bit before pressing send.

"Yeah. Sorry I'm being so weird about it. Pick you up in 15?"

"Sounds good. See you then."

You locked your phone. Zack was coming. You still had to do your makeup and your hair! You took a glance at yourself in the mirror before realizing something. 'This isn't appropriate for a date!'

You shuffled through your closet before picking out a casual, yet appropriate, light blue jean dress that came just above your knees. You decided on some brown sandals to go with it.

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