Chapter 12

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the picture is relevant and i'm giggling i'm so funny


Friday was like any normal day. Boring classes, stupid bitches, etc. However, Saturday would be different. Zack would be coming over soon, and your parents didn't care about leaving you alone, so you had the house to yourself for the weekend.

You settled for a simple white shirt and black jeans and you were too lazy to find shoes.

You were feeling quite lazy today, so you didn't wear any makeup. You laid silently on your bed, waiting for Zack to come over, and you were just starting to doze off, when you heard a quiet knock at the door.

You shot up, but you got up too fast and stars filled your vision. You walked around, trying to find your bedroom door, but you hit a couple things in the process.

"Ow! Shit. C-Coming!"

They cleared up a little as you opened your door and walked slowly downstairs. You stopped to let them clear and continued to open your front door.

"Hi.." You chuckled a little and Zack looked at you confused.


You couldn't stop laughing and you opened the door for Zack to come in.

"What, (Y/N)?"

You sighed happily.

"No, I'm not laughing at you. I just.. I was dozing off before you got here, and I got up too fast and I couldn't see. I imagined I'd come falling down the stairs."


You went back upstairs, now with Zack, and sat on the bed.

"So.. What do you wanna do today?"

You laced your fingers together and laid your head on his shoulder.

"Hmm... I dunno."

"We could just take a walk in the park," Zack suggested.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'd like that."

You went to find a coat and some shoes and walked down the stairs and out the door, heading for the park.
You arrived at the park and you smiled brightly and squeezed Zack's hand. Snow was covering the trees in a way that didn't look so barren. Actually, it was as if the snow replaced all the little leaves.

"Wow. Usually this place is all empty and stuff but.. It isn't."

You were right. Children could be seen everywhere, throwing snowballs and making snow angels and all that fun stuff. (A/N: I've actually never seen snow. I'm just basing this stuff off of movies and shit XDD Sorry. Tell me what snow is like if you have it where you live! ^^)

You wiped off the swings and sat down. The atmosphere seemed so nice, so happy, so..alive.

You swung lightly and you had a big smile on your face, until you felt something cold collide with your back. You gasped and stood up, glaring when you saw Zack snickering behind you.

You Don't Have To Smile Perfectly (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now