Chapter 13

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I'm gonna try and update bit by bit (every time I come on, I'll write a little), but that means that it's gonna take like 10 years for me to write a chapter. Sorry guys. At least I'm writing something though.


You woke up the next morning in Zack's warm embrace, his arms around your waist and pulled close to him. You only wore one of his shirts that just barely covered you. His breath was soft on the back of your neck and you smiled, closing your eyes and cuddling into him. However, the light coming in the room wasn't gonna let you go back to sleep. It filtered in through the shutters and shone brightly.

'Fucking ugh, man.'

You opened your eyes again and squinted, raising a hand to block the light. Taking the covers off, you slipped carefully out of Zack's arms and stumbled painfully to the window, pulling the curtains closed. You stretched your arms over your head and sighed, walking back over to the bed. Zack opened his eyes and smiled.

"Good morning, beautiful."

You blushed and sat down on the bed with a "Good morning." He wrapped an arm around your hips, pulling you back down on the bed.

"No, Zack, come on. It's time to get up." He groaned and rolled over, hiding his face in the pillow.


You wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him back over. "Yeeess. Now get up." After shaking him for a bit, he rolled over and covered his face with his hands.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He sighed.

"I don't hate you. It's just too late to be sleeping. Seriously, come on."

Zack looked up and smirked. "Give me a kiss."

"Will you get up if I do?"


You leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and sat up.

"There," you smiled, "Now come on." He smiled as well and, surprisingly, he actually got up.

You tried getting up again, but everything felt sore and your knees buckled before you collapsed to the floor with a quiet whine.


Zack ran to your side and held you up. "W-What's wrong?! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you sick? I-I'll get dressed and-"

"Oh my god, Zack, calm down. I'm fine."

"No you're not! You f-.." Click. "Oh. Is it..."

"I'm sore." You pouted and he laughed. You tried getting up, but struggled and fell back into his arms.

"Hey, don't move so much. You should just take a hot bath to relax your muscles." He picked you up and you pulled his shirt down your body, attempting to cover yourself more as you blushed. Reaching the restroom, he set you down carefully on the counter.

"Brush your teeth first."

You brushed your teeth together and when you were done, Zack picked you up again and placed you on the edge of the bathtub. He walked a couple feet over and pulled your fluffy (f/c) towel from the rack. You turned around, wincing slightly, and turned the hot water on. The temperature rose in the room and Zack placed the towel next to you. He sat down next to you, his hands slowly going to your hips, and you blushed, looking down at your lap. He was blushing as well and he began sliding his hands under the shirt and up your waist, raising the shirt as he went.

The shirt was pulled up to just above your breasts and you looked down at his hands. He curled his fingers around the fabric and tugged upwards lightly, giving you the signal to raise your arms. You did so and he pulled the shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the floor.

You Don't Have To Smile Perfectly (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now