Chapter 11

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Hi guys! Well, I wanted to write a little note before I began. Remember how triggering last chapter was? Well I wanted to just give a mini lecture haha. If you don't wanna hear it, then you can just skip it, but if you're going through the same thing as what's going on in the story (which I happen to be projecting my feelings onto), then please read this. Suicide isn't the answer. I know it feels like life sucks, and sometimes you kinda just wanna give up and stuff, but please don't. You're not gonna get to live your life to the fullest, and, as commonly known, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Sorry to word it this way but yeah, your life may suck, but it's gonna get better. You're not gonna live your life clouded in sadness and despair, someday you'll find that one thing, or maybe many things, that pull you out of it, and you'll get better. I promise. You don't want to just stop living in the middle of it all, you wanna keep going and experience all of what life has to offer you! And if you're contemplating it, then please talk to me. I would be more than happy to help. You guys can send me a message on here or Instagram (declan_memekenna) Thanks for reading, and stay strong guys! :)


It's been about three days or so since the incident. You didn't suffer any major liver damage, thanks to Zack, and you were able to go home a couple days after.

It happened Monday, and Thursday was a fresh start. You returned to school, and hoped no one noticed you were a tad paler than you usually were.

You shuffled through the halls and the girl who slapped your books returned.

"Hey, bitch, why were you out for two days?" She made a fake sad face and quivered her lip. In a mock sympathetic tone, she asked, "Aww, did the little emo try killing herself again?"

Your eyes went wide, but you immediately got them back to normal. That didn't escape her eye, though.

"Oh! What's this? Did I get it? Hah! I probably did."

You looked down at your feet.

"No. I didn't try anything. And I never have."

She smirked.

"Then why are you so pale? Don't tell me you tried to overdose.."

"No, I told you, I haven't tried anything!"

The girl put her hands up defensively.

"Oh ho ho.. Someone's getting pushy. Lay off the tone, Suicide Circus."

You looked up at her, obviously confused at the sudden name.


That only earned a laugh from her.

"Didn't you hear me? You're the Suicide. Circus. Just another one of those emo freaks who only wanna die. And from what I can see, you tried doing just that."

You tried blowing it off and walked away, but the name kept replaying in your mind.

'Suicide... Circus?'
'Twas finally the end of the day.

You walked over to your locker with Zack, more than ready to go home.

Upon opening the door of your locker, thousands of pieces of paper flooded out and spilled onto the floor.

"What the fuck?!"

You continued to scoop all of the paper out of your locker and onto the floor, and you curiously picked one up and examined it.

It, along with all the other pieces, were labeled 'Suicide Circus'. Quickly, you crumbled the paper in your hand and discarded it in the pile of paper below.

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