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Writer's block is hitting me right now, and it's stressing me out since it hit literally after the first sentence of chapter 11. Why me ;-;

I stopped like "Wait what do I write now help oh no I'm slow this sucks what do I do help" (all of that is my jumble of thoughts, hence the reason there are no commas.)

But yeah, if you guys could contribute some ideas, that'd be great! ^o^ I write for the people XDD

I'd actually like to start using reader ideas, so yeah. It feels kinda weird asking, but it'd be nice for both the readers and I for some reader-influenced chapters every once in a while :3

I'm actually considering writing a lemon chapter.. It's way too early, seeing as how reader-chan almost committed suicide. Like, woah.

Should I even write a lemon?

If I should, I'm not gonna write it until I have about 2-3 chapters between the suicide attempt and the lemon, so also include some ideas for the in between chapters, please!

I'm thinking that it'd be really cute, since I have a little drabble.. ^3^

It's really weird and felt kinda rushed, but I feel like now I have more experience, so I'd be able to fix things up and add a couple details here and there c; c;

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear some feedback! Bye!


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