Chapter 3 - Miss Medda

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Third Person POV

After a bit of walking, they came up on a building.

Eliza stops at the entrance, reading the sign. Irving Theater.

"Come on," Jack opens the door for her.

Eliza thanks him, walking into the building, with Jack following her.

Jack leads Eliza and Davey onto the stage, where they stay while he runs off.

"Miss Medda!" He shouts, running through the backstage.

"Over here, hunny!" She shouts from the back.

Jack turns another corner, finding Miss Medda. "Morning Medda." He greets.

Medda smiles. "Good morning, Jack. What brings you here? Not that I don't enjoy your visits," She shoots him a warm smile. "But you don't usually visit during selling hours."

Jack chuckles a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, this might sound a bit crazy, but a woman fell out of the sky and she happens to be Eliza Schuyler?" He sounded like he was questioning it.

Medda looks at him, getting confused.

Jack explains the situation to her.

Medda stil looks a bit confused. "Jack," She stops. "You know how unrealistic that sounds?"

Unrealistic, Jack thinks to himself, I know what this means, Davey taught me. Unrealistic, unrealistic...

Medda chuckles. "Not normal to the point where it's a bit unbelievable. Not likely to happen." She explains.

Jack nods. "Thanks."

Medda chuckles again.

"I know it's-" He stops. "Unrealistic, but I promise you it happened. Ask any of the boys."

Medda raises an eyebrow. "Even Davey?" She questions.

Jack nods. "Both Davey and Specs." He informs her.

Medda sighs. "Okay, take me to meet her please."

Jack nods, leading her back to the stage where Davey and Eliza where.

Eliza immediately noticed her, and Davey right after.

"Good morning, Miss Medda." Davey greets. "I apologize for bothering you."

"Good morning, Davey. You can just call me Medda." Davey nods, though Medda knew he wasn't going to actually call her just 'Medda'.

Medda turns to face Eliza. "So, you must be Mrs. Eliza Schuyler/Hamilton."

Eliza smiles, putting her hand out for Medda to shake. "I am. You must be Miss Medda who I've heard lovely things about?"

Medda smiles. "These boys are too kind to me, really." She shakes Eliza's hand.

Eliza smiles.

"Now, I've heard about your," Medda stops, trying to find a word. "Situation. I'd be delighted to help you."

Eliza smiles again. "Thank you so much, really. I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Medda smiles again. "Now, I can't help with housing, but I can lend clothes and help you with other things."

Eliza nods.

"Jack," Medda turns to face the boy. "Is Kloppman's old office still vacated?"

Jack turns to Davey with pleading eyes.

Davey mentally facepalms.

He turns to face Medda. "Yes. No one has used it since Kloppman passed away." He answers.

Medda chuckles a bit, before turning to face Eliza. "If you're okay with sleeping in a house with a bunch of rowdy boys, you can stay there."

Eliza nods.

"That's perfect." Jack states. "If, of course, you don't mind us. We are a bunch of," Jack chuckles. "Crazy boys."

Eliza chuckles. "I think I'll be okay, thank you." She responds.

Jack nods.

Medda turns to Jack and Davey. "You two can go sell, and Davey, you can go check up on Les, because I know you're always nervous leaving him with the others, and I'll stay here with Mrs. Schuyler."

Jack chuckles.

"Thank you, Miss Medda." Davey thanks her. "I don't know what we would do without you."

Medda nods.

The two boys start leaving the room.

Eliza and Medda hear Davey mumble something. "I swear if Romeo did something to my brother I might smack him."

Jack laughs. "Ooh, violent. Never thought I'd hear that from Davey Jacobs."

Davey rolls his eyes. "You're brothers aren't exactly the pinnacle of innocent and a good example for kids."

Jack's eyebrows furrow. "Uh..." he trails off.

"Best example." Davey informs him.

Jack nods, mumbling something about 'stupid big words' as they close the door.

Eliza and Medda share a look, before they both chuckle.

"Well," Medda starts. "We should go see what clothes we can find for you, Mrs. Schuyler."

"Miss Medda," Eliza starts, causing Medda to turn to look at her. "You don't have to call me 'Mrs. Schuyler'. Please, just call me Eliza."

Medda smiles. "You can call me Medda."

Eliza smiles. "I hope to become good friends."

"That would be nice, Eliza."

752 Words
Yes, that last sentence was a reference to Hamilton (on purpose).

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