Chapter 10 - Sarcastically Funny or Annoying?

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Third Person POV

Eliza sat next to Blink, Ike, and Tommy boy, who were debating if being sarcastic was annoying or funny.

"I'd say that in certain situations, like the strike, it was annoying." Tommy boy comments. "But there are points when it's funny. Though, if it's directed at you and stupid, it's annoying to you, but funny to everyone else."

Blink and Ike nod.

"I love that I got who that was directed at." Ike states, laughing.

Tommy boy and Blink laugh.

"Albert was so annoying during the strike." Tommy boy states.

Blink and Ike nod.

Albert and Race were in Brooklyn because of what happened the night before.

Jack had a meeting with Spot to talk to him about this, so they were staying with him for a few days.

"During the strike," Blink turns to face Eliza. "We also found out that Race says 'oyster' wrong." He laughs.

A series of groans ring throughout the downstairs.

"He was so wrong!" Henry shouts from somewhere else downstairs.

Eliza chuckles. "Now I'm curious. How does he pronounce it?" She questions.

"Erster." Blink, Ike, and Tommy boy answer in unison.

Eliza laughs. "That is one unique way of pronouncing 'oyster'." She comments.

The three boys nod.

JoJo walks into the room, grinning. "Specs taught me that word!" He exclaims.

"Unique?" Tommy boy asks.

JoJo nods, clapping his hands. "Yeah!"

The four others in the room chuckle.

"JoJo!" Finch shouts from upstairs in the Lodge. "Mike would like cuddles and for you to play with his hair!" He informs him.

JoJo's eyes light up.

He salutes to Eliza, Tommy boy, Blink, and Ike, before running upstairs.

Finch walks down the stairs, laughing really hard.

Blink knew that look. "What did you do?" He questions.

Finch laughs harder. "Mike annoyed me, so I told JoJo cuddles he wanted, and-" he started laughing again.

"Mike can't say no to JoJo." Ike finishes, smirking. "That perfect."

He high-fives Finch.

"And now Mike is going to fall asleep with JoJo, even if he doesn't want to sleep." Blink states. "It's evil." He smirks. "I like it."

"Hey Finch," Tommy boy starts, causing his boyfriend to face him. "Do you think sarcasm is annoying or funny?" He questions.

Finch purses his lips, thinking. "Uh- it can be both." He answers.

Tommy boy grins. "See!" He exclaims. "I was right! Sarcasm can be annoying in circumstances and funny in others."

"T," Davey starts, leaning against the door. "Do you know what that means?" He questions.

Tommy boy deadpans at him. "You were the one who taught me what it means!" He exclaims.

"Oh." Davey didn't remember that. "I teach you guys so many things that I can't remember what I have and haven't taught you." He states.

Eliza chuckles.

Tommy boy rolls his eyes.

Finch smiles at his boyfriend. "I love you." He whispers.

Tommy boy smiles. "I love you too."

He gets up, wrapping his arms around Finch's neck.

Finch picks Tommy boy up, with a yelp from him, and carries him upstairs.

Eliza pats the seat next to her.

Davey sits down.

"Ready to start?" She asks him.

Davey nods, smiling. "Thank you again."

Eliza smiles.


Eliza was again listening to the debate about sarcasm.

Someone, she forgot who, had been sarcastic earlier.

They were debating if that was a good time or not, and if it was annoying or not.

"I'm telling you," Tommy boy starts. "What he said was only annoying to the person he said it to, and Specs and Davey, because they're them. To everyone else, it was funny!" He argues.

"No-" Blink starts, going to argue with him.

Les walks over to the table, folding his hands and resting them on the table.

"While it was a horrible time for sar-casm," Les stutters a bit saying the word. "It was, indeed, funny to everyone who wasn't Davey and Jack. Even the person who it was aimed at, this time. In conclusion, there are good and bad times for sarcasm, and it can be both annoying and funny." He answers.

Blink, Ike, and Tommy boy stare at him, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

Les smiles cheekily. "I rest my case." He finishes.

Davey turns to face Specs, a half-petrified, half-impressed look on his face. "Specs," he starts. "Should I be proud or concerned and freaked out?"

Specs had the same look on his face. "I don't know." He answers.

"How did you learn that, Les?" Eliza asks, a little impressed.

Les grins. "It's amazing what you can learn from adults, Specs, and Davey." He answers. "And even Sarah." He adds.

"We never taught you that." Specs states, pointing between him and Davey.

Les turns to face him. "Let me rephrase; from listening to adults, Specs, and Davey." He responds.

Specs and Davey share another look.

Other boys, who had been passing by and heard, start laughing.

Eliza smiles a bit.

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