Chapter 19 - Inspections and Stars

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Warnings: Cutting, blood, Weasel, insults
Third Person POV

"Monthly inspection, boys!" The Newsies heard Weasel shout.

The boys groan in unison.

They had been hanging in one of the bunk rooms.

Lucky and Race were asleep on Race's top bunk.

Eliza shoots Jack a confused look.


Jack rolls his eyes, getting up.

"We're upstairs, Weasel!" He shouts in the doorway.

"Weasel?" Eliza whispers to herself, her eyebrows furrow. "Like the guy you get papers from?" She asks.

The boys nod.

Every month, they had a monthly inspection done by Weasel.

They were pretty sure it was just a reason for Weasel to keep an eye on them and try to find a reason to get them in trouble, to which he never could.

He had made the rule when Kloppman died, telling them that if he did inspections, he wouldn't tell Pulitzer and get another Lodge Owner.

The boys, mainly Jack, agreed for fear of having a bad Lodge Owner like they had had before Kloppman.

Let's just say, when Race was running from an abusive home, he never wanted to be in another one and this was almost worse than his.


Only a few of the boys who were at the Lodge now were there when that Lodge Owner was there.

Sparks and Sparrow got him fired and arrested.

Jack sits down next to Eliza on the floor.

Weasel appears in the doorway, the Delancey brothers right behind him.

The boys all groan, again.

"These inspections are already horrible and annoying and you decide to bring the Delanceys?" Finch questions. "Stink up the house, why don't you?" He glares at Weasel.

The Delancey brothers make fists and threatening faces at Finch.

Finch just rolls his eyes, not at all bothered by this.

Weasel looks Eliza up and down, before smirking. "Who's this? And why is such a lovely lady hanging with people like you?" Weasel questions with a touch of disgust in his voice.

Eliza stands up, brushing her dress off.

"I'm a married woman, first of all, and why I am here is none of your business." She states. "And if you are just going to bother us, you need to leave." She tells him.

Weasel rolls his eyes.

Jack noticed that the Delanceys had found their way over to Race's bunk, where Race and Lucky were peacefully sleeping.

Morris smirks at the two sleeping boys.

Lucky was clinging to Race, both on them laying on their side, facing each other.

"Aww, how cute." Morris fake awes. "Too bad they can't stay asleep." He whispers with a small snicker.

Oscar smirks.

Morris pulls out a knife.

He makes a bunch of little cuts on Race's skin, and one on Lucky's.

He was in the middle of making one on Race's skin, when he was ripped away from him.

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