Chapter 17 - The Origin of Spromeo

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A/N... *whispers* Spromeo... *loud* Chapter idea!
Third Person POV

"Romeo!" Eliza shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "Specs is back!"

They heard a thump and a 'yay!'

Specs and Eliza share a look, chuckling.

Romeo runs to the top of the stairs.

He grins. "My Juliet!" He exclaims.

"Hi, Romeo." Specs waves at him with a chuckle.

Romeo runs down the stairs, into his boyfriends arms.

"I've missed you so much!" Romeo exclaims, falling into Specs' arms dramatically.

Specs chuckles. "Ro, I love you, but we literally only split up to sell." He reminds him.

"But you didn't finish before I did today!" Romeo exclaims dramatically. "Which meant that I had to wait longer than usually to see you!" He dramatizes.

"You poor thing." Specs jokes, chuckling as he plays with Romeo's hair.

"Ooh- nice." Romeo whispers, his eyes closed.

"Ro!" JoJo shouts from outside. "Perrywinkle came back!" He exclaims.

Romeo perks up. "Perry!" He exclaims.

He runs to the door, before stopping.

The boys, and Eliza, look at him, confused.

Romeo calmly walks back over to Specs, pressing a kiss to his cheek, before heading back outside.

Specs chuckles.

"With how much he loves and depends on you," Eliza starts. "I'd be interested to know what he did when you two first got together." She chuckles.

The boys start laughing at the memory.

Specs' eyes widen. "Uh-" he laughs.

Romeo kicks open the Lodge door. "Listen up, suckers!" He shouts.

He was still holding Specs' wrist, and Specs' eyes were wide.

The boys turn to look at him.

"I'm dating this lovely person and you can't stop me!" Romeo exclaims. "If you don't like it, I'll leave." He states, pointing at the door.

The boys all stay silent for a few minutes.

Specs' eyes were squeezed closed and he was fearing the worst.

"Are you paying for the door that you almost just broke?" Albert asks, throwing another card down.

Romeo and Specs share a look, before staring at him.

"Are we announcing our relationships that we thought we were keeping secret, but were actually painfully obvious in the first place?" Blink questions.

He stands up, pulling Mush up with him. "I'm dating Nicolas Meyers!" He exclaims, before pulling Mush into a kiss.

Mush turns bright red.

"You-" Specs couldn't breathe. "You're okay- with this- this?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Jack asks. "We're all either Gay, Pan, or BI?"

(A/N, yes, I'm aware the names probably didn't exist back then.)

Romeo grins, immediately kissing Specs.

Specs' eyes were wide, but he melted into the kiss.

Specs rubs the back of his neck, chuckling softly. "And then I found him ranting to Elmer and JoJo about how cute I am and everything about me, and they were squealing together." Specs turns red as he explains.

Eliza chuckles. "That's actually really cute." She tells him.

Specs blushes a bit, nodding slightly.

Romeo walks inside the house.

He looks at Specs, his eyes lighting up.

"Specsie." Romeo starts, hugging his arm. "Can I have cuddles or are you not tired yet?" He asks. "You could read our story to me." He suggests.

"Romeo and Juliet?" Specs asks with a small chuckle.

Romeo nods, looking up at him.

Specs almost melted because of his eyes.

They could be very dangerous. They almost melted Specs all the time, which is why he tried to not look in Romeo's eyes, because he swore he just fell harder.

Specs nods. "Yeah, let's go up to your bunk." He tells his boyfriend.

Specs had a top bunk, while Romeo had a bottom bunk.

The two boys walk upstairs, after much hugs and dramatics between what the boys like to call 'the Dramatic Trio', which was Romeo, JoJo, and Elmer.

Specs laid on the bunk first, half sitting up, half laying down.

Romeo laid down after him, laying his head in Specs' lap.

Specs grabbed the copy of 'Romeo and Juliet' that Katherine gave him.

Specs started reading.


When Eliza went to see if Specs and Romeo were still awake or not, she found them asleep.

Specs' book was still in his hand, and his other hand was entangled in Romeo's hair.

His head was laying against a pillow against the wall, and Romeo was asleep on top of him.

Eliza chuckles softly, taking the book out of sleeping Specs' hand and putting it on the table by them.

She pressed soft kisses to each boy's forehead, and pulled a blanket over the two of them so they'd be warm overnight.

Then, she let them sleep.

But what she noticed before she turned off the light was Romeo unconsciously snuggling ever-so-slightly closer to Specs.

Because of this, Specs' grip on Romeo tightened a bit as well.

Eliza smiles.

800 Words
Flufffffyyyyy Spromeo

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