Chapter 7 - The Human Dictionary and Human Answer-Machine

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A/N, you know the drill. Favorite face in the picture above lol
Third Person POV

"So," Eliza starts, placing her book down.

Davey looks up from his book, raising an eyebrow.

"I've had multiple boys ask me if Specs was home and then come in with injuries." Eliza states. "Is Specs like your own doctor?" She asks.

Davey chuckles, putting his book down. "Specs is sorta like the doctor here, especially when I'm not here, since he grew up with a nurse. Mush and Jack know a bit about it as well, and some others do too, but they usually come to Specs or I."

Eliza nods. "Some of the boys seem more accident prone than others." She comments.

Davey nods. "And certain boys have a tendency not to tell us when they're hurt." He mumbles.

Eliza got who he was calling out.

Both of them were targeted mainly at Race.

"Hey, human dictionary!" They heard JoJo shout. "What does 'tendency' mean?!"

"Let me guess, Davey's using words you don't know?" Specs calls back from somewhere else in the house.

Eliza and Davey chuckle.

"Yup!" JoJo exclaims.

"Tendency means 'a characteristic that they tend to lean towards using'!" Specs shouts, trying to use words JoJo would understand.

JoJo walks into the living room with his lips pursed. "Human answer-machine," he starts.

Davey hums.

"What is a 'characteristic'?" JoJo questions.

Eliza pictured Specs facepalming.

"Uh-" Davey thinks for a moment about how to explain. "A thing that makes someone unique."

JoJo nods, leaving the room.

"That's not exactly accurate." Eliza comments.

Davey shrugs. "It's close enough. I needed to explain it in a way he'd understand." He responds.

Eliza chuckles.

Davey and Eliza hear someone walking down the stairs.

They turn to look and see Specs.

Specs waves at them, sitting on a chair next to the couch and 'comfy chair'.

"I just had to explain units of measurement of air temperature to Buttons and Elmer." Specs groans, cleaning his glasses.

Davey makes a face. "Didn't we just teach Elmer?" He questions.

Specs groans again. "Yes, and they had so many questions."

Specs looks through his glasses, getting annoyed that they were only getting dirtier.

"Why is it so hard to clean glasses?" Specs mumbles, annoyedly cleaning them again. (A/N, hey look! It's me!)

Eliza and Davey chuckle.

"Let me see." Eliza tells him, putting her hand out for the glasses.

Specs rolls his eyes, handing Eliza the glasses in defeat.

Eliza gently cleans them, before handing them back to Specs.

Specs looks at her warily. "You didn't even check if they were clean." He points out.

Eliza chuckles. "I guess I'm just that confident in myself." She shrugs. "Check for me."

Specs shoots her one more wary look before sliding the glasses on his face.

His eyes light up. "How did you do that?! I try for hours and never get them this clean!" He exclaims.

Eliza chuckles. "Use something cleaner than your shirt." They chuckle. "And be gentle and patient."

Specs nods, sitting back down. "Thanks Eliza."

Eliza nods.

Tommy boy, Race, and JoJo walk into the room, looking really confused.

"What does-" JoJo stops for a moment, trying to remember how to pronounce it. "Confident mean?"

Eliza and Specs chuckle.

Davey sighs.

"Spot." Was his one-worded answer.

Eliza and Specs laugh.

Tommy boy still looked confused. "I thought that was 'cocky'?" He questions.

Specs starts laughing harder.

Race smacks Tommy boy with his hat.

Tommy boy just rolls his eyes.

"Let me rephrase," Davey starts. "Jack when he thinks he has a good idea, but it usually never is a good idea." He explains.

"Ooh." Race, JoJo, and Tommy boy realize in unison. "Makes sense."

Eliza chuckles, as Specs laughs harder.

"What does 'rephrase' mean?" JoJo innocently asks.

Davey facepalms. "Dear God." He groans.

"I'm not God," JoJo tells Davey. "I'm JoJo!" He grins.

Specs, Eliza, Race, and Tommy boy chuckle.

Davey smiles softly at him. "You sweet, innocent child. You are stuck with the wrong people."

JoJo shrugs.

704 Words
I shouldn't be posting so much today, but I love these chapters lol. This one and the next one have to be my favorites, I swear to goodness lol.

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