Chapter 30

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Tom had realized that his quest was futile when the cat came to help. Moony had never offered to help Tom out before, never even mentioned anything of it. So, when the black cat appeared at Tom's side, one day while the boy was in the library, Tom knew something was wrong.

"How can I help you?" Tom glared, flicking through the book in his hand.

"You can't."

Moony hadn't so much as spared Tom a glance, he wasn't there to help the boy, simply spy, hopefully, shed some light on the question Veruca had left him with.

"You're up to something," Tom muttered, still glaring at the feline.

Moony looked up, "Oh really? Do tell me, Tom, what you think I'm up to I'd like to get on with my day."

Tom groaned and stood, collecting his things.

"Oh, no, have I upset you?"

Tom didn't answer the cat as he strolled out of the library and away from its doors. Tom didn't like feeling so clueless, he also didn't like how much Veruca had affected him- she had disrupted his plans and now, he was farther behind schedule than he liked to admit.

"You seem to be in deep thought," Moony sighed, prancing up to the boy in a careless fashion.

Tom groaned again, "I'm not sure why I haven't killed you yet."

Moony chuckled, as much as a cat could, "Because you're a sadistic young boy who'd rather make me suffer by living through your existence?"

Tom laughed, but it was void of emotion, "Or, maybe I just hope you'll come to your senses and help me find Veruca."

Moony then sighed, though it seemed as if he were stifling a laugh, "Oh, that's too bad. My senses seem to have left me."

Tom scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Right."

That was the end of the conversation. Tom had a 'Magical Artifacts' class and though he dreaded it, he hurried away from Moony and onward towards classroom 713.

Being the first person there, Tom simply pulled out his book and set about reading it, as one should when they are bored enough to sleep, and became enthralled within the world of the Dark Arts. After a while, students started filing into the room and Tom put his book away.

Professor Chrone marched inside, loudly dropping her things on her desk. The woman, Tom had decided long ago, was a pitiful witch. Most likely a squib, she taught what was probably the most useless class in all of the wizarding school, Magical Artifacts.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen!"

And so, began the longest hour of Tom's day so far. The boy had zoned out of reality running through the isles of the library he hadn't yet searched until the Professor's voice broke through his thoughts. Suddenly, the fog that seemed to be clogging his brain drained and he could see clear as day.

"A Time Turner, allows its wielder to travel backward and forward in time..." The woman's voice was drowned out again as Tom snapped to attention.

I gave up everything! Everything! To come here and help you!?

Veruca's words filled his ears and as soon as Professor Chrone dismissed the class, Tom was out of his seat and hurrying away to the Room of Requirement.

The doors slammed open and Moony lazily opened his eyes, gazing at Tim from his perch on the bed. He noticed Tom's apparent anger and stretched, sitting upright.

"What's got your wand in a knot?"

Tom didn't answer Moony. The cat took this as a bad sign and he hesitated before speaking again, "Tom?"

The boy blinked as if exiting a trance and slowly took a seat in the plump armchair beside him. He didn't answer Moony for a long time, he glared at the fire ablaze in front of him and the two sat in silence. Moony was on edge, not sure what was wrong with the boy. And Tom was simply struggling to process his discovery.

After a long while, Tom looked up at the cat. Moony hadn't moved an inch since Tom had sat down, too afraid that the boy had reached a breaking point.

"When did you come from?"

Moony tilted his head, "What?"

"When... Did you come from?" Tom said again, anger seeping out of his mouth.

Moony slumped slightly, Veruca never told him what he should do if Tom found out about the time-traveling. But Tom hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before to remain patient, he stood and pulled out his wand.

"You time traveled, didn't you?"

Moony nodded slightly, he knew when he was beaten, "Yes, we did."

Tom nodded curtly, his eyes flashing crimson, "I thought so... when are you from?"

"Are you sure you want to hear-"


Moony sighed, "We came from 1980."

Tom scoffed and sat back down, "I can't believe this."

There was another long moment of silence, then Tom spoke again, "Why?"

Moony hesitated, he and Veruca hadn't ever planned on having to tell the boy anything, but Veruca had left the last time Tom had confronted her, so she wasn't here to tell Moony what was right or wrong to tell Tom.

"Why?" Tom asked again.

"Are you sure?"

To the cat's surprise, Tom hesitated. Indeed, the boy wasn't sure if he wanted to know why Veruca and Moony traveled from 1980 to 1942, but, in the end, he knew that he needed to know. So, Tom nodded slowly and Moony hopped off of the bed, padding over to the chair beside Tom's.

"Things don't go very well for you after you graduate next year, Tom."

"What do you mean?"

"You lose yourself, Tom, you grow and you gain all the power one could want..."

Tom looked up at the cat, not letting even a sliver of emotion show, "And?"

"You lose everything- you lose it all quicker than you gained it. Veruca and I were sent to try and help you lead a different life. Though, that clearly failed."

Tom's gaze trailed back towards the flames as he sat back in his seat. Moony didn't say anything else and the two lapsed into yet another, tense, silence.

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