Chapter 20

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Tom had found out a few things within the 56 hours Veruca had been gone; the first was rather alarming- being that no one but him and Moony seemed to notice she was in fact, gone. Teachers didn't ask why she wasn't in class, and -though she didn't really have friends- anyone she had shown any sort of friendliness to hadn't seemed to wonder where she was.

The second thing Tom had, or rather, hadn't found out; was that he couldn't find any wizarding bloodline related to the de Fouix's. It was like... they were made up? Imagined? Brought about to be a false wizarding name? Tom went so far as to 'borrow' ministry records- which is a story for another time- but there wasn't even a birth certificate for Veruca de Fouix. That was alarming as well, because, even if the girl was muggle-born, she attended a wizarding school- the ministry of magic liked keeping tabs on all of the school's attendees.

The third, and final new thing Tom had learned- was that Moony, his one and only solid lead to Veruca... would be no help. The cat had, occasionally, accompanied Tom on his endeavors to find out anything about the girl he longed to question, but Moony hadn't spoken much since the night the two officially met. He seemed to be more of an observer than a participant- which was nothing short of an aggravation to Tom.

Tom liked to believe he was smart for acknowledging; Veruca clearly did things with purpose- such as her enchanted necklace, she did that for a reason. It's not every day someone decides, 'Oh yes, I should like to talk to my cat, let me create an enchanted bridge between our minds through this collar and necklace'- Tom was sure there was an explicit reason behind Veruca's actions here, the damn cat wouldn't say what they were, though.

"You shouldn't be nosing about in Veruca's business."

"You aren't someone Veruca trusted much."

"Stop pestering me, you wizards are so very obnoxious."

Those were just a few of the phrases Tom had been hearing lately. Tom, who usually didn't talk much, often snarked back with;

"Technically, I'm nosing about in yours."

"She's not someone I felt like providing trust for."

"And you felines can't speak out loud for a reason!"

Tonight, however, there was a bit of silence. It was well into the evening, and Moony had curled up on the couch in the Slytherin common room. The cat was exhausted from his own tiring search for Veruca. He purred, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the quiet of the room. His bliss was interrupted though, of course.

His ear twitched at the sound of someone opening and shutting a door. That someone then made their way down the corridor and paused at the entrance to the common room before taking a seat next to Moony. The feline didn't have to open his eyes to know who it was.

"I need to know." It was Tom, and he sounded tired.

"No, you don't."

"Yes! Don't you understand how desperate I am!? I am begging you! You! A bloody cat! If only Tom from last year could hear me now! I'd think I'm mental! Maybe I am, but I need to know!"

"Yes, I agree."

"You do?" Tom asked, suddenly awake.

The cat let out a groan, stretched, and sat up glowering at Tom, "I agree with what your past self would think of you."

It was Tom's turn to groan, "You-you..." he started muttering a colorful string of words describing what he thought of the feline.

"Wow, really excellent, this will absolutely help you find Veruca,"  Moony rolled his eyes. Tom ignored the cat and continued.

"This is why I keep to snakes-" Moony chuckled and cut off Tom, "I eat snakes for breakfast, boy... and don't think I haven't been eyeing the little one you keep in your dorm."

Tom flushed in anger, why was he only superior to the human species? You'd think a cat wouldn't be able to get under his skin so easily, but this one did. Maybe it was good that cats couldn't talk out loud whenever they wanted. Tom had a feeling they were all the same sarcastic little demons.

"If you dare..." he spoke, his voice chilling even to the cat who was having such fun. "I wonder if the Cruciatus Curse works well on cats?" Tom asked, smirking at the cat, who was no longer having such fun.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you hadn't come to that conclusion hours ago." Moony rolled his eyes again.

"Well, I was trying to earn your trust, at the time it seemed easier than cursing you." Tom sighed, remembering his wand was in his dorm. He was taken aback slightly when Moony laughed.

"Ignoring all that Veruca has told me over the months, I still wouldn't trust you based on my knowledge from the last few weeks I've actually known you."

"Well, that's just- wait! Did you say months?"

Moony's eyes widened a bit, and his breath paused in his chest. This excited Tom, he knew he was onto something. Something big enough to cause a tumble of word vomit, hopefully.

"Veruca only arrived a month and a half ago, how could she have known anything about me before then?" he continued, thirsty for an answer. Finally, he'd have some sort of answer!


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