Chapter 22

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Tom had caught onto something, he knew it. The cat didn't help in the library, and his mouth kept shut about Veruca in every other room of the castle, but now? Now, he had really slipped up. Now, Tom knew that he wasn't insane, something was definitely off about Veruca de Fouix.

Moony froze in his place, unable to believe what he had just let slip. Veruca had known quite a lot about Tom before ever coming back to the year 1942. She had spilled her guts to the feline, while battling the sleepless hours of the night.

"Well?" Tom broke the thick, tension- filled silence. He knew he was right. His instincts, his intellect, he was on to something... he was right.

"Well... I suppose I should tell you something... you are about as annoying as a puppy, maybe I shall throw you a bone." The cat rolled his eyes. His demeanor changed completely, and Tom noticed how he had relaxed.

On the outside, Moony was indeed calm, but his mind was racing with the few ways this wouldn't backfire. A lie? A little bit of truth? All of it?

"Tell me the truth," Tom demanded. He could tell by the feline's relaxed manner that he had either found a way to evade the truth or realized the truth wasn't worth hiding anymore.

"I will, I hadn't planned on lying."  That was a lie.

"Then, out with it!" Tom exclaimed. He was sick of playing cat and mouse- he was even sicker with the fact that he was the mouse.

"I haven't decided what I'd like to share..." Moony trailed off. He knew that there was no getting out of Tom's incessant questions, he also knew there was no way he could spill all of the truth. That could destroy everything.

"Well, for starters, how about... everything?!" Tom replied, incredulously.

"Sorry, you absolute wanker, but I obviously can't do that."

"Why is it obvious?" Tom asked, still not understanding why he had the door open but was unable to walk through.

"Veruca Sicily Caster-Penderwick," Moony jumped off the couch and began to trot towards Veruca's dorm.


"Look it up, book boy."


Moony had stayed in Veruca's dorm, even after her disappearance. He would've stayed in the room of requirement, maybe looked for more clues as to where she could've gone, but he couldn't bring himself to leave her room unattended.

He curled up on her pillow, that still smelled like her, and glanced around the room with a cold gaze. He hadn't realized how worried he really was... how much he really missed her.

"Where are you, Veruca?"

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