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Boy has this been a bumpy ride.

But, yes. It is finished. My reasoning is that somewhere along the journey of writing this story, I became very dissatisfied with it: the storyline, the characters, and the relationships in between. So many things changed, in this first draft process, that as I edit the story and change things, I doubt it'll be recognizable to any of you who read it through the first time.

None of that is to say that I don't love this story. I do. And I didn't take shortcuts just because I was dissatisfied with the outcome of this part. I learned to accept that this story means so much more to me than a one-and-done fanfic. This story is gonna take a few drafts, and a few edits. 

Now, I hate to be one of those authors who dumps a fanfic, dissatisfies her readers several times along the way, and then says.... "Well, this is just a rough first draft, just wait till I re-edit and write up a whole new one for you."

Honestly, I don't expect half of you to even consider reading the edited version. I know after waiting almost 4 years for a finished product, I wouldn't either. In fact, I wouldn't expect that many of you are actually reading this, either. However, with all that being said, I do have to thank every single one of you who stuck with me through this "rough first draft".

It's truly a version of Metanoia (be it possibly the worst) that won't be recreated and edited over and over so that you get the same story. Whoever reads the newer version, won't get the same picture. They won't know where their version came from. But you guys will. Even if you don't read the next one. You'll know it.

So, thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for voting. Thank you.


Metanoia~ Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now