Chapter 18

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Tom stood still, trying (and failing) to understand everything that had happened within the last hour. Veruca had been standing right in front of him, right there. She was crying. The tears, rolling down her cheeks, had stopped him from cursing her, but he wanted to.

"I no longer care about the future I was trying to protect."

Tom was beginning to think he should've explored his suspicions of her when he had originally questioned her being at Hogwarts. He should've asked, forced her, if necessary.

"I came here to pull you away from whatever darkness was clouding you."

What on earth was she here for? To save him? Tom scoffed at the thought and turned to leave when he saw it. A necklace. After closer inspection, he realized it was Veruca's necklace.

It was a plain silver chain with a small, black, half-moon shaped crystal. Tom had never seen Veruca without this. Now she was gone. And this was left behind.

A small ache formed in Tom's chest. Sadness? Why on earth was he sad? Was it regret? Why couldn't he shake the feeling that he had just lost someone incredibly important? He hadn't even really conversed with her that much, outside small talk during classes, so why did he feel so connected to her?

He picked up the necklace and pocketed it, then, he glared at the tree he had shoved her against. Why did he hesitate?






The next morning, Tom had awoken earlier than usual. Not that he had slept much, to begin with, he had to take a sleeping drought and even that wore off quickly, however, he felt rested enough to leave his dorm and take a walk.

He found himself following the same path Veruca had, a few nights earlier. He remembered how she closed her eyes at one point, and just stood there like she belonged there... like she just fit into the world right there, right then, and nowhere else.

Tom didn't register that he had stopped walking till he felt the water of the lake dampen his shoes. He glared at the water, why did he feel so blind? He wanted nothing more than to get on with his plans and move on with his life, but he couldn't get Veruca out of his head.

He wanted to know what she meant when she said that she had left everything behind to come here. He wanted to know how she knew he was a half-blood, how she knew one of his darkest secrets. A ripple of waves went through the water, dampening his shoes even more. Tom was about to turn and leave when, again, something caught his eye.

The ripple had sent it afloat, and it glistened in the rising sunlight. Though it was only a few yards out, Tom could barely make out that it was a small, glass vial. 

"Accio vial." He muttered. There was a moment's pause, and when the vial didn't come to Tom, he cursed his curiosity and waded out into the lake.

When he was close enough, he snatched the vial from the water and made his way back to the beach. As he walked away from the water, not bothering to dry himself, he turned the vial over in his hands and was disappointed when he found no label. Where did it come from? Who did it belong to?

He noticed that there was a bit of residue on the rim of the vial. Why hadn't the water washed it away? Depending on how long the vial hand been in the water, and how long the potion had been in the vial, there should've been no remnants.

New questions surfaced and Tom was beginning to feel overwhelmed.


Walking to the library after breakfast Tom noticed a familiar looking cat roaming the halls. Usually, he wouldn't have thought anything of it but, current curiosities made him follow the feline all the way to the 7th-floor corridor.

The cat entered the room of requirement and, Tom noticed the door stayed open slightly longer than it should have. He decided to take the chance and enter the room. He was even more interested to find a large bedroom- like space.

Tom didn't examine the room like a tourist would the Eifel Tower, instead, he focused on the little things. The fact that the bed looked slept in, the bookshelves were almost completely empty (the books that occupied them were littered everywhere) and the desk still had art supplies out.

Someone was either just here, or the usual occupant was quite messy. Tom found himself looking over the artwork on the desk. There were several sketches, small paintings, and coal drawings. One was even of him he was reading a book. It was very good, they all were but, something about the sketch of him seemed almost dreamlike.


Tom turned toward the source of the noise to see the cat he had originally followed in here.

Moony was sitting in a plump sitting chair, staring at Tom through slits. The cat was looking for its owner, and dear friend, who hadn't come back last night. Moony did indeed find it suspicious that in trying to find Veruca, he had found Tom.

"Did you just...?" Tom couldn't hardly believe himself. You'd think hearing a cat talk in the wizarding world wouldn't be as surprising as it was.

Can you hear me?

Tom hadn't realized he had nodded until the cat jumped down and walked over to his feet. Moony hopped onto the desk next to Tom and glared at him.


"I haven't the faintest idea," Tom whispered, indeed bewildered. He stared hard at the cat, trying to find something that could answer the question when his eyes landed on the felines collar. It looked identical to the necklace in his pocket. He pulled out the necklace and Moony hissed at him.

Where'd you get that?

"This is how I can hear you? Veruca dropped it."

Do you know where she is?

"No. She apparated last night and I haven't seen her since." Tom tucked the necklace back into his pocket.

You don't know where she went?

"If I did, I would've have just told you." Tom rolled his eyes and turned back to the drawings, "Are these hers?"

Yes. Did she say anything when she left?

Tom could hear Veruca's words in his head. "No. Why? Do you know how to find her?" Something inside him stirred as the light of possibility rained down on him.

Possibly, why do you want to know?

"Because, I think I missed something," Tom whispered to himself.

Moony heard him though, and he thought about Veruca possibly succeeding, possibly doing something right after all.

Just maybe.

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