Chapter 12

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About two hours later, the duo entered the Great Hall for breakfast. Tom made his way to his cronies and Veruca headed to an empty seat at the end of the table. The breakfast choices looked delicious, she had to admit, but Veruca had never been one for breakfast. She had just buttered a piece of toast and grabbed some fruit, when someone sat next to her.

"Hello, I haven't seen you around before. Are you a silent transfer?" the girl who spoke was thin, and her voice was airy. "Silent transfer?" Veruca asked. She wasn't familiar with the term. The girls' eyes widened, "Oh! Uhm, like you transferred here, but you got sorted with the headmaster and stuff."

"Ah, uhm, I guess so, yes." Veruca nodded. "I'm Victorie, Victorie Webb." Veruca shook the girls' hand, "Veruca de Fouix." She said. "Is that French? So, you transferred from Beaubatons then?" Victorie asked a lot of questions, Veruca preferred it when people knew enough information to put the pieces together themselves, rather than asking her for every piece of the puzzle. "Actually, my father homeschooled me, we live in France."

Victorie smiled, "I've always wanted to visit France, what's it like?" she seemed dazzled. "Well, it's home." Victorie furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?" Veruca sighed, "It's just home to me, what would you say if I asked you about your home?" Victorie nodded, "I guess I'd probably say the same."

Suddenly, a boy comes to sit across from the two girls, "I can't believe it! I simply cannot comprehend the decisions that bloody professor makes!" Victorie sighed, "This is my brother, Sylvester. Sly, this is Veruca, the new girl." Sylvester looked up and nodded at Veruca before returning to the bowl of porridge he had helped himself to. It was then that Veruca noticed the Ravenclaw crest on his robes. "You're a Ravenclaw?"

Victorie sighed, "Please don't tell me that you're the stereotypical Slytherin pureblood who would never dream of associating with a house outside their own." Veruca shook her head, "Not at all, I was just going to commend your bravery." She said, turning to Sylvester. He nodded, "Well, it took some guts when I was in first year, but you get used to it after a couple years and then so does everyone else." Veruca nodded, smiling slightly.

"So, what is it you were saying brother?" Victorie asked. Her brother stared at her, quirking a brow. "You stormed over here talking about a professor, one I'm assuming you dislike currently." Veruca added. "Oh! Yes! That bloody Professor Binns marked my essay incomplete because I failed to answer whether I thought his tie fit his personality. Bloody boring, idiot that ghost." Victorie chuckled and shook her head at her brother.

"So, what does your schedule look like?" Victorie asked, pulling Veruca away from her fruit. "I have potions after breakfast, then transfiguration and arithmancy." Victorie nodded, "Well, most Slytherins take potions still, and transfiguration but only three of us take arithmancy. Then you have lunch I guess?" this time, Veruca nodded.

"Yes, lunch and then a free period." She sighed. Her patience with the inquisitive girl was running out. Lucky for her, Victorie and Sylvester politely excused themselves a few moments later and she was alone.

After a few minutes of silence, she realized she might've enjoyed Sylvester's company. His sister was a little too curious, but he seemed slightly normal. Something inside Veruca screamed at her, You're not here to make friends! Stop putting off your actual task! Tom is who you're here for! Unable to take much more of the noise in her head, she stood and headed to potions, suddenly eager to be there early.

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