Chapter 26

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 Tom had taken to wandering the halls, Potions let out 11 minutes ago and he had a free period now. He found that the halls of the 6th and 7th floor corridors were his only solace in the hours where he could no longer look at what he knew about Veruca v.s. what he didn't know, which seemed like everything.

He grabbed an apple, from his cloak pocket and bit into it. Lost in his thoughts, he had stopped at a large, circular window, busying himself with the scenery. The green grass, the dark trees, the murky water, all of this was Hogwarts, Hogwarts was his home.

He was so sure of his future, so sure. He knew what was going to happen, he had back-up plan after back-up plan to ensure that he was ready for anything, ready to squash any problem that might derail his goals, ready to ensure that he would get there no matter the cost.

Then, Veruca happened. Her words stuck with him, always on replay at the back of his mind. He was determined to find more of the journals, he was determined to know more. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he hadn't heard someone approaching.

The 'someone' cleared his throat, from behind Tom, the boy dropped his apple, pulled out his wand, and whirled around, ready to defend himself from trouble.

When he saw who had approached, however, he immediately lowered his wand.

"Professor! I apologize, I didn't know it was you."

"Even if it wasn't me, I sure hope you wouldn't have used your wand against them, Tom."

Albus Dumbledore stood before him in brilliant purple robes with little yellow owls printed on them. He had a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, as usual. Tom found it rather annoying... Dumbledore knew that.

"Can I help you, professor?" Tom asked, unaware of what the old man seemed to be up to.

"No, I don't think so, Tom."

That was another thing the boy found irritating. Dumbledore loved to pronounce Tom's name, whenever he got the chance. There was no one else in the corridor, did he have to say it again? When there was no one else the old loon could be addressing? It was like he knew that Tom hated hearing his muggle father's name almost more than anything else.

"Well, then, I was just headed to the library...," Tom said, beginning to walk away.

"I think that is an excellent idea. You might care to see what new books are in the Herbology Section, hm?" Dumbledore started nodding, as if Tom had agreed, then he tipped his cap to Tom and apparated.

Tom raised his brow, he knew the old man was mad but this was new. Why should he care to visit the Herbology Section? That was probably the farthest from what he was searching for. No, he was in the Wizard's History Section, under the V's, and that was where he would continue his search.


Moony sat, rereading the entry when Tom stormed into the room. He had a look of intense rage in his eyes, one so fierce Moony hesitated to say anything at all.

"Bad day?" he mused.

"Oh! Don't even get me started!" Tom hissed, throwing himself into the soft armchair.

"Oh dear," Moony rolled his eyes and hopped over to the bed. Tom glared, tiredly, but then his brow relaxed. He sighed and sat up, running his hand through his hair.

"I hate that I can't curse whoever I'd like, whenever I'd like. Some- Most of these imbeciles need to be taught a lesson."

"I assume you're referring to one person in particular?"

"Yes, but they all need punishment, they all deserve it." His gaze turned dark, and Moony would have been scared, had he not been a cat. It is for this reason that he continued talking.

"Well, punishment and discipline are two very different things, Tom, and unfortunately the one you cannot deliver yourself comes with age."

"What?" Tom looked at the cat, he heard but he didn't understand, after all it wasn't hardly possible.

"Punishment will get you nothing but fear, and fear only creates excellent liars. These foolish children need discipline and that is something you can do nothing about."

"Fear creates obedience, I'll take obedient liars over foolish ones."

"That isn't the point."

"Then what is it!? Stop speaking in riddles and tell me what point you are trying and failing to make!"

"You may try and succeed for a while, but in the end, you can't and won't control everyone you come into contact with. And if you try for too long, and if you push too hard... you will fail... you will have wasted everything you have to offer... for nothing."

Tom opened his mouth, then closed it and opened it again, stumbling over his words. Moony hopped off the bed and strolled carelessly over to a small door, which had appeared upon his arrival at the wall. He paused and turned to Tom who had stood and was staring at the ground.

"So sorry, I tried and failed."

With that, the cat continued his stroll, exciting the room of requirement, leaving a baffled Tom Riddle standing alone.

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