Chapter 9

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Dippet came back a moment later with the sorting hat and a small stool. He set the tool down in front of Veruca and motioned for her to sit. She did, and the hat was placed on her head.


Ahhh, Veruca... Penderwick? I didn't think there was a young female Penderwick quite yet.

I go by Veruca De Fouix. Please just get on with this, and quietly!

Well, you are a bit grouchy, aren't you? I guess I see you have a bit of reason to be. Alright then; I see cunning, yes, and bravery- though, you are not quite Gryffindor material, no offense.

None taken.

You are quite clever, very... creative if you will. Ooh, deception is one game you always seem to win. You know how to get your way with things- you are quite the manipulator, miss... That may not be a good thing.

Look, I am trying to be as patient as possible here, but I need you to move it along, please!

Alright, alright! Let's see- ahh, yes... I can feel your loyalty. It is one of your stronger traits; loyalty, not to one person or one cause, but to a feeling. Quite an interesting trait, my dear. Overall, I must insist;




Veruca breathed a sigh of relief, she had no money, but she was pure Slytherin. Nothing could take that from her. She smiled and stood. Tom could see the pure pride and happiness in her eyes. He wondered why she was so dependent on this, why she was so desperate. Dumbledore, on the other hand, couldn't believe she was a Slytherin. She seemed so... innocent.

"Ahh, Slytherin. I think you'll love it there. Tom here is Slytherin's very own Prefect, he'll take you to Slytherin Dormitory and get you settled, won't you, my boy?" Dippet spoke, half distracted as he counted the coins. Tom smiled and nodded, "Of course, professor," he paused and turned to Veruca, holding out a hand for her, "Shall we?" Tom didn't wait for an answer from Veruca, he nodded respectfully to Dumbledore and strode out the door.

"Thank you, Professor," Veruca spoke quietly to Dumbledore before scurrying after Tom.

The walk through the maze of corridors was silent, given both children were deep in thought. Tom struggled to hold his tongue when it came to the mystery that was Veruca. His theories were interesting but, none quite hit home with the truth. What drew him closer, however, was how obvious Veruca was- obviously upset. In her defense, she was quite distracted. What was she going to do? She had no money. No home. And no one to help her.

"Didn't you hear me?" Veruca shook her head and turned to Tom.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" she apologized, trying desperately to clear her head.

"I was saying; since tomorrow is Sunday, I'll show you around the castle, get you a schedule, and have you situated for Monday's classes." Veruca nodded along with his words, barely registering their meaning. She didn't seem to be surprised- or to even notice- that they were walking through the dungeons.

Tom, seeing this, spoke, "You don't seem at all surprised that we are walking through the dungeons of a very old castle, possibly inhabited by ghosts."

Veruca laughed then, noticing the strangeness of that, coughed. "Should I be?"

"Most people are."

"I learned- at quite a young age- not to be surprised by most things." Veruca was surprised that she spoke the truth.

At Wool's Orphanage, she didn't find beatings for laughing a strange thing. She didn't find extra chores for reading late a strange thing. And she didn't find not knowing her parents a strange thing, either.

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